LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Meckley and Associates announces that near-death survivor and company founder, Ilene Meckley forms new division of her company, Highway of Success. A business dedicated to providing the tools necessary to navigate through the bumps and roadblocks along the way and continue cruising down the highway of success.

Two years ago today, Ilene Meckley was traveling home from a seminar when she was hit head on by an 18-wheel truck. This accident resulted in her spending 5 1/2 months recovering in the hospital. Ilene Meckley broke virtually every bone in her body and nearly had her foot amputated. Ilene was forced to halt her passion for traveling and could no longer give her motivational speeches across the country.

It was at this moment Ilene’s journey could have taken two different roads. She could have let this accident divert her from her passions. Fortunately, Ilene chose a different road, a road of recovery, motivated by her desire to get back to her passion of helping others to be successful – including authoring a new book, “Dear Ilene.”

She underwent eight major surgeries and countless physical therapy sessions including having to learn how to walk once again. Even in her most challenging days in the hospital, she never let a severed foot or broken bones shatter her dreams.

Ilene Meckley, a mother of five, grandmother of two, worked in a direct sales company for 13 years. During those 13 years, she personally recruited over 650 people. Ilene was a President’s Club achiever fourteen times and earned numerous incentive trips from her company. She also earned the Hall of Fame and Woman of the Year honors from her company.

Having the desire to help others become successful, she began teaching seminars to consultants from other direct sales companies. Ilene has created six CDs, authored two books and developed a number of tools that assist business women all over the country to be successful.

Information: .

[tags]Ilene Meckley, Highway of Success, Meckley and Associates, near death survivor[/tags]