WILLOW, Alaska — A new calendar for 2008 features three things men love most – fishing, hunting and beautiful women. “There are tons of different magazines and television shows featuring male hunters and fishermen. We figured we would spice the pictures up by using females,” said Vicki Priebe, vice-president for Wild Honey Productions, based in Willow, Alaska. “It is a 12-month calendar, with a gorgeous girl each month and 12 different game animals.”

The calendar – for sale exclusively from the manufacturer on the Wild Honey Web site at – also features facts about various fish and game animals, recipes, hunting and fishing tips, moon phases, holidays and fishing records.

The photos in the calendar were shot on location in Alaska.

“Getting the photos was a challenge. Some of our shoots were in the warm weather, but a lot of them were in the cold, so the models had to warm up between takes,” said Priebe. “The weather didn’t like to cooperate – it was usually too windy, too cold, too sunny or too cloudy. But our models are all professional and they didn’t let the elements get in the way of a great photograph.”

It also was challenging getting the game animals.

“Have you ever gone out on a day fishing, knowing you had to catch a fish. They never bite when you have to have them for a shoot. Somehow, luck was on our side and we were able to get all the game animals in the calendar. But it was difficult. It is a great thing we love hunting and fishing so much or it would have driven us crazy,” Priebe continued.

The 12-month calendar for 2008 is ready to purchase now at . The price is $12.91 each. The cover photograph shows one of the Wild Honeys standing in front of a beaver dam with a black beaver at her feet.

In addition to receiving a quality product, customers are also giving back to the land.

Wild Honey Productions is dedicated to preserving the land and wildlife for generations to come. The company pools a percentage of net profits from products sold into the Honey Pot, which is divided up at the end of the year and distributed to various wildlife organizations such as Trout Unlimited, Ruffed Grouse Society, National Rifle Association, Pheasants Forever, among others.

For more information or an interview, visit the Web site at .

[tags]Wild Honey Productions, fishing hunting and beautiful women, 2008 Wild Honey Calendar[/tags]