ELM SPRINGS, COLUMBIA, Tenn. — Sons of Confederate Veterans Commander-in-Chief Christopher M. Sullivan will present the Stephen Dill Lee Award to Congressman Virgil Goode of Virginia at a ceremony sponsored by the Jefferson Davis Camp, #305, Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Congressman Goode (which rhymes with mood) represents the 5th District of Virginia in the U. S. Congress. This includes the Southside of Virginia to Charlottesville.

He served in the Virginia Senate beginning at the age of 27 as a Democrat. He later became an Independent, and ultimately in 2002, a Republican.

Congressman Goode is a member of the Liberty Caucus which meets each Thursday while in session and is hosted for lunch by Congressman Ron Paul.

He will speak at the Rosslyn banquet honoring him on his favorite subject, Robert E. Lee.

The event is the annual Christmas party for the camp and their guests. It will be held on Wednesday, December 5th at the Holiday Inn, Key Bridge, in Rosslyn, VA from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Tickets for the banquet and program are $27. All members and friends of the SCV and Congressman Goode are cordially invited to attend.

[tags]Sons of Confederate Veterans, Christopher M Sullivan, Stephen Dill Lee Award, Congressman Virgil Goode[/tags]