SANDPOINT, Idaho /eNewsChannels/ — The second annual Self-Publishers Online Conference (SPOC) gives entrepreneurial writers, authors, and publishers the opportunity to learn from experts in book publishing from the convenience of their own office. At SPOC, everyone is encouraged to “Live Long and Publish!” This three-day virtual event features expert speakers on May 12, 13, and 14, 2010.

Authors and self-publishers can attend SPOC when they have time in their schedule. There is no charge for a Basic Attendance pass. Attendees can wander the virtual exhibit hall, take part in online conversations, attend informative teleseminars, participate in Q&A roundtable discussions, and discover helpful information about writing and publishing quality books.

Fifteen publishing experts will offer information and advice for both aspiring and veteran self-publishers:

* Kate Bandos, publicity expert who has worked with hundreds of publishers and authors will talk about “DIY Book Promotion”
* Peter Bowerman, author of The Well-Fed Self-Publisher will explain how to “Build Your Own Well-Fed Empire”
* Susan Daffron and James Byrd, owners of Logical Expressions, Inc. and author of Publishize: How to Quickly and Affordably Self-Publish a Book that Promotes Your Expertise will discuss how to “Finish Your Book the Publishize Way”
* Janet Goldstein, a NYC-based publishing and strategy consultant will present the “Platform Manifesto for Authorpreneurs”
* Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul books will share “Wealthy Writers Wisdom”
* Hobie Hobart, co-owner of Dunn and Associates will explain how to go from “Book Cover to Blockbuster Brand”
* John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books will present “Book Promotion 101: The Secrets to Book Marketing Success”
* Mark Levine, author of the Fine Print of Self-Publishing: The Contracts and Services of 45 Self-Publishing Companies Ranked, Analyzed, and Exposed will explain “How to Avoid Publishing Pitfalls”
* William Patterson, internationally recognized book marketing, business and wealth coach will share “How to Turn Your Product Line into a Fortune”
* Dan Poynter, self-publishing guru and the author of the bestselling Self-Publishing Manual will discuss “Self-Publishing Past, Present, and Future”
* Fern Reiss, author of the Publishing Game series of books and director of the International Association of Writers will explain “How Self-Publishers Can Thrive in Today’s Publishing Climate”
* M.J. Rose, international bestselling author of 10 novels and creator of AuthorBuzz promotion service will reveal how to “Buzz Your Book”
* Penny C. Sansevieri, media relations expert and author of Red Hot Internet Publicity will present “How to Leverage Social Media for Profit”
* Peter Winick, consultant to thought leaders, authors and gurus will explain how to “Develop and Execute a Strategy to Monetize Your Platform”
* Marcia Yudkin, creative marketing expert and author of 11 books will present “Writing Without Angst.”

Attendees can register online at . A free Basic attendance pass gives participants live call-in access to the teleseminars and a log in for the exhibit hall and seminar handouts. Paid Standard and Premium passes offer access to the seminar recordings and a wide range of bonus materials.

About the Self-Publishers Online Conference:

The Self-Publishers Online Conference (SPOC) is being put on by Logical Expressions, Inc. ( SPOC gives sponsors an opportunity to showcase products and services to attendees who are seeking information about how to become a self-published author. The event consists of teleseminars with self-publishing experts and a virtual exhibit hall and conference rooms, which feature sponsor, exhibitor, and speaker information. More information is available at .

About Logical Expressions, Inc.:

Logical Expressions is a software and publishing company based Sandpoint, Idaho that is owned by Susan Daffron and James Byrd. The company offers affordable books, software, tools, and services that help businesses with print and online publishing projects. In addition to publishing its own series of books, Logical Expressions offers book production and consulting services to help guide people through the steps to become successful independent self-publishers.

This story was issued by Send2Press® Newswire ( on behalf of the news source and is Copyright © 2010 Neotrope® News Network – all rights reserved.

Story References: Self-Publishers Online Conference, Logical Expressions Inc, virtual trade show, conference, teleseminar, book publishing and marketing, authors, writers, pod, self-publishing, event, Idaho business, SPOC, Susan Daffron and James Byrd, Publishize, How to Quickly and Affordably Self-Publish a Book that Promotes Your Expertise.