
Collectable and Collectibles, and Antiques News

Boston Massacre art

Historical Artist Don Troiani Recreates The Momentous Boston Massacre with Stunning New Painting

eNewsChannels NEWS: (SOUTHBURY, Conn.) -- Nationally renowned Southbury Connecticut artist-historian Don Troiani has unveiled his painting of the momentous Boston Massacre. That encounter on a cold March night set forth a series of antagonistic events that climaxed in the start of the American Revolution 5 years later.
Andy Warhol History

Newly discovered piece of Andy Warhol History is up for sale by The Metallic Art Gallery on eBay

eNewsChannels NEWS: (LAS VEGAS, Nev.) -- A newly discovered piece of Andy Warhol History is up for sale by The Metallic Art Gallery on eBay. It shows the great artist's name as Andrew Warhola in a student honor roll document deserving of an Honorable Mention for his performance in his first semester of the ninth grade at Schenley High School in Pittsburgh.

Barack Obama Inspires Jewelry Line from Sculptor Jonas Perkins

FREDERICKSBURG, Texas -- African American artist Jonas Perkins commemorates historic election with original jewelry line. Perkins, a sculptor from Fredericksburg, Texas, announced today that...

Interior Designer Gerald Pomeroy Featured in Traditional Home Magazine

BOSTON, Mass. -- Gerald Pomeroy Design Group, one of the Boston area's premier interior design firms specializing in creating residential spaces reflecting client's individual...

Memorabilia Guru Brian Cataquet Advises That Baseball Mementoes Remain Strong in a Weak Economy

BRONX, N.Y. -- Baseball memorabilia guru Brian Cataquet, who runs Tobeeecat Auctions, a well known online sports card and memorabilia company, has received hundreds of emails from baseball fan collectors who are a little wary about their sports investments, asking the same question. "Has the weak economy hurt the baseball card and memorabilia industry?" To answer this question in one word, the answer is, No!

Presidential Portrait Collection Celebrates Upcoming '08 Election

SEATTLE, Wash. -- With the 2008 presidential election closing in, Canalis International Corporation has designed a unique and limited collection of ornamental presidential portrait bottles. This breathtaking collection is sure to satisfy presidential voters looking forward to a historical election, as well as anyone interested in giving an impressive gift this holiday season.