TAMPA, Fla. — 2009 was a landmark year for the Financial Foundation Group. Even though the economy and the stock market have hit many hard, the Financial Foundation Group has been diligent about providing assistance to those in need. A combined effort of our country’s great U.S. Marine Corps, as well as many excited members of the Tampa office, created the opportunity for FFG to give back to the community that supports it by hosting a Holiday brunch and Toys for Tots collection event on December 12, 2009. Instead of enjoying a well deserved day off on the weekend, the staff of Financial Foundation Group in Tampa dressed up the office in holiday trimmings, provided festive foods and entertainment, and opened its doors to the community for its first annual toy drive.

“We want to have a positive impact on the community both as professionals and as neighbors,” said Leanna Cappucci, Executive Director with the Financial Foundation Group. “Supporting the U.S. Marines and the community through our toy drive is about much more than toys, it provides hope and encouragement to children here in Tampa, and after all, they are our tomorrow.”

The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to assist the U.S. Marine Corps in providing a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas. The primary goal of the Foundation is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them into becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens. The Marines, together with the help of organizations like the Financial Foundation Group, are helping less fortunate children throughout communities across the U.S. experience the joy of Christmas, and are playing an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children.

In 2002, the Financial Foundation Group through an affiliated company opened its doors with just three people. FFG has experienced a phenomenal growth rate over the past few years and today they have grown to have 5 offices and approximately 100 people affiliated with the organization.

“Our company has grown tremendously due to our dedication to helping others,” Mr. Heinzelman, a Senior Partner at Financial Foundation Group explains. “We want continue our community involvement in every area where we have an office.”

The management of the Financial Foundation Group is also registered representatives with and offer securities through NEXT Financial Group, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Foundation Group is not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group, inc. NEXT is a national full service Broker/Dealer offering investment, retirement and insurance products and services which allows their representatives to offer financial products to suit each individual client’s needs.

The knowledgeable staff at FFG has access to a wide array of investment products and can provide assistance with life insurance choices and providing wealth building strategies.

The company’s Web site, FinancialFoundationGroup.com, has current market information and summaries for clients to review. It also provides breaking financial news headlines and stories.

For more company information, visit: www.FinancialFoundationGroup.com .