Astrology Illumined Sheds New Light on Study of the Stars

Studies Prove Exercise Can Heal the Body Mind and Soul

Half of Humanity to Raise Earth Vibration on 7.7.07 – A Message of Love, Oneness and Hope from St Francis
SEDONA, Ariz. -- On 7.7.07, Vice President Al Gore and LIVE EARTH musicians, whom some call "Modern Day Shaman," may be playing the biggest roles of their lives, along with traditional Shaman (Indigenous Elders). Together they may be inspiring half of our Earth Family - 3 billion - to lift the vibration of Earth through joyous song, prayer and ceremonies. Shaman help unite heaven and earth for society, according to Olympic skier Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee, co-chairman of Native Voices Foundation (NVF), which orchestrates Elders-led World Prayers.
Sedona Becoming Hope for Generations: You Don't Have to Buy a Hybrid to Make a Difference

From Homelessness to Harvard to Hollywood to Happiness: Dawn Clare Launches Company SPISE BLISS

Arctic Elders Invite All to Join 'Mother of All Earth Prayers' May 31 with Ceremonies at Mexico's Mt. Kushumaa to Keep...

Children and Teen Healing Program Expanded to Include 'Energy Camp'
HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. -- Rev. Maria Mejias, founder of Chosen Beings of Light, is expanding her Children & Teen Healing Program to include a summer energy camp scheduled for July - Sept. 2007, as well as morning and after-school energy programs for the gifted children and teens (ages 3 - 18).
Sedona: Success, Spirituality and 'The Secret' – Talk/Book Signings at Borders by 'Mr. Sedona'
SEDONA, Ariz. -- What do success, spirituality, the controversial movie "The Secret" and Sedona have in common? Celebrity outdoor guide Dennis Andres, a.k.a. "Mr. Sedona," will offer the answer this month at Borders bookstore appearances in the Valley of the Sun. He'll be signing "What Is A Vortex?" (ISBN-10: 0972120203) and his newest, "Sedona: The Essential Guidebook."
A Billion Praying to Re-Balance Earth – Invitation to Join Hearts for Our Earth Mother
MT. SHASTA, Calif. -- With Europe's warmest winter in 1,250 years putting the Winter Olympics at risk, a group representing over a billion are inviting our Earth Family to join in prayer, dance, and celebration this month of our unified love of our Mother Earth, starting Valentine's Day (Feb 14). "This expands on Americans celebrating our sweethearts on Valentine's Day, and unites with this month's Lunar New Year's celebrations and prayers of Asian and global faith communities," according to Mary Ho, President of the China Millennium Council, and Olympic skier, Suzy Chaffee, Native Voices Foundation (NVF) co-chair.
Working Together Announces Light and Energy Shifting Weekend Retreat in Point Reyes, Calif.