State: Maine

Maine Business News, Entertainment and Technology News (U.S.)

Maine-based Bar Harbor Camping Resorts' $4.5 Million Renovation Responds to Growing RV Population

BAR HARBOR, Maine -- Bar Harbor Camping Resorts owner Patty Rae Stanley is at the forefront of responding to the growth in RV owners and campground use. Stanley, along with Chicago-based investment partner Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc. (NYSE: ELS), owns three resorts in Downeast Maine, and she just spent ten months and $4.5 million dollars completely reconstructing one of them - Narrows Too.

Inventive Coffee Roaster Changing the Way Americans Drink Coffee

Coffee on DemandPORTLAND, Maine -- X Cafe LLC, a Portland Maine based coffee roasting company founded in 1999 has never sold one coffee bean! X Cafe is recognized nationally as the originator of shelf-stable coffee extracts. Paul Kalenian, President, notes, "Our liquid coffee extracts have made Coffee on Demand possible and that is revolutionizing the coffee industry, providing a continuous supply of fresh and great tasting coffee on demand."

Aurora Photos Launches Select, Assignment Division in NYC

Aurora PhotosPORTLAND, Maine -- Aurora Photos is excited to announce the launch of Select, a photographer representation division in New York City. Aurora Select works with editorial photographers of exceptional vision and story telling skills, representing them in magazine and commercial areas of photography.

KIC Products Revolutionizes Removal of Damaging Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

KIC ProductsAUBURN, Maine -- KIC Products Waffletechnology engineers in cooperation with NCR have created a product to protect Magnetic stripe readers from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) that can cause MSR failures and system lockups. ESD issues are more common in low humidity environments when customers use the new Debit/Credit cards with holographic images.