News: Politics
Political News, Ballots and Voting, Elections, and Opinion
Democrat Deon D. Jenkins Announces 2020 Run for President on Platform of Reparations
eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Deon D. Jenkins, also known as grass roots hip hop organizer Alpha Leo, announced today that he has filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) as a Democratic Presidential Candidate in California, for the 2020 election.
Trump in the Toilet Again! Commander in Crap Creator Achieves Huge Success with ‘Trump Toilet Brush’
eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Michelle Rubel, owner of SpacedOutDesigns and the inventor and creator of Commander in Crap(TM), is helping make toilets great again(TM) with her viral invention, a Donald Trump toilet brush that American and international customers are gladly grabbing to clean up their crap.
The Other Donald Launches Bid for 2020: Donald Eugene Lowe – A New Face in the Democratic Race
eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Donald Eugene Lowe respects politics. He was a 2016 presidential candidate, but this time around he's hoping to run on the Democratic ticket. He considers himself a "man of the people," not "for the people" and believes he's "a better choice."
Electoral College Loopholes: Don Lowe Says He Could Still ‘Stop’ President-Elect Trump
eNewsChannels NEWS: (SAN ANGELO, Texas) -- No matter party affiliation, everyone can agree that this year's elections were heart-pumping. And for Donald Eugene Lowe, it might have even been a bit more so. Why? To date, he says that he is the first person in history to become a President-Elect Alternate. It's the law - a combination of many, in fact.
Mr. Trump: Here’s the World’s Biggest Participation Trophy for Your POTUS Win
eNewsChannels NEWS: (LAS VEGAS, Nev.) -- A nine-foot-tall trophy featuring a large gold and sienna head of Donald J. Trump on a gilded plinth is scheduled to be dedicated in Las Vegas next month before the election. The monumental statue, believed to be the World's Largest Participation Trophy, in honor of Donald Trump's presidential run, was sculpted by the commissioned artist Daniel Edwards. The dedication is scheduled for November 4, 2016 announces Cory Allen Contemporary Art.
Rejected by GOP, Presidential Candidate Don Lowe pushes onwards to the 2016 Electoral College
eNewsChannels NEWS: (SAN ANGELO, Texas) -- Donald Eugene Lowe started working on his presidential campaign in 2013. To date, he has spent less than $20,000 and he's not about to give up now. In fact, he says he's just getting started. "It's possible," Lowe says. "There are many voters who do not like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and that puts me in a very good position. According to my calculations, I have a 52 percent chance of winning."
Senate District 31 Republican Executive Board Censures Representative Tom Hackbarth
OAK GROVE, Minn. -- The Senate District 31 Republican Executive Board in Minnesota unanimously agreed upon a vote of no confidence in Representative Tom Hackbarth (HD31B) after he breaks his commitment to abide by the endorsement.
Top-Notch Calif. Volunteer Helps Assemblymember Mike Gipson’s Political Campaign
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Volunteer recruitment is one of the toughest tasks when it comes to running a tight political campaign. That's why Assemblymember Mike Gipson was thrilled to meet and recruit Alicia Amerson, a political science graduate with well-honed interpersonal and leadership skills, coupled with global views. And, from June 3 through June 5, she will be a part of the Mike Gipson GOTV (Get Out the Vote) Campaign. She's recruited others to help too.
At Republican National Convention, Donald Trump May No Longer Be GOP Nominee says Texas Challenger Don Lowe
SAN ANGELO, Texas -- Donald Eugene Lowe is officially announcing that he will be the challenger at the Republican convention in the nomination bid for the White House. "It's been done before and it can be done again," Lowe says.
Trump Insults Playing Cards offer wacky full color caricatures of all the people whom Donald Trump has insulted
NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Quantum Results is excited to announce the launch of the Trump Insults Playing Cards on Indiegogo, 54 full color caricature cards of the people in politics, entertainment and the media whom Donald Trump has insulted. Our cards include drawings of Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Rosie O'Donnell, Kim Kardashian, Madonna and even the Pope. All of the major former Republican Presidential candidates are pictured, accompanied by Trump's insults. Do your part to Make America Great Again.