Tags Atheists

Tag: Atheists

Garrison's World: Atheists – What's Their Problem? (Some Passing Observations)

COLUMN: In the process of authoring my 5 part series on rational atheism, recent experiences have led me to conclude that, as a side article in passing (not part of my main series on rational atheism), it would be useful to express some important observations I have made lately concerning atheists.

Garrison's World: The Irrelevance of Rational Atheism and the New Philosophy of the Non-Rational – Part 1

John C. Garrison, authorCOLUMN: Part I - The Two Brands of Atheism -- In all of my studies and observations of atheists and their beliefs, I have found that atheism is not monolithic in its beliefs or in the philosophic position it takes. As a matter of fact, there is a profound conflict among atheists as to how they view and approach reality.