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Tag: Citizens United

Scalia: An Eternity of Torment

Opinion: Antonin Scalia: An Eternity of Torment

Note: Hold off on your rejoicing: Antonin Scalia is still alive. But since he is obviously brain-dead, we present this pre-eulogy. No moment of silence...

Calif. Assemblyman Gatto’s Resolution to Overturn Citizens United Decision Passes First Major Legislative Hurdle

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto’s (D-Los Angeles) legislation to limit corporate “personhood” for federal corporate campaign contributions overcame its first major legislative hurdle today, passing the Assembly Judiciary Committee by a vote of 7-2. The legislation, AJR 1, employs an exceedingly rare procedure outlined in Article V of the United States [...]

Three California Assemblymembers Initiate Federal Constitutional Amendment

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Assemblyman Michael Allen (D-Sonoma County), Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles), and Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont) have introduced Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR) 32, a measure that begins the process to amend the United States Constitution to nullify the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Continue reading