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Tag: Project EverGreen

Project EverGreen and Its Partners Will Convert 150,000 Sq. Ft. of Park Green Space Into a Disk Golf Course

NEWS: (BELLE PLAINE, Minn.) Project EverGreen, a national non-profit promoting the value of preserving and revitalizing managed green spaces, is bringing its 'Healthy Turf. Healthy Kids.'(TM) Initiative to Court Square Park in Belle Plaine, Minnesota.

Project EverGreen and Its Partners to Deliver Vital Renovations to Nearly 135,000 Sq. Ft. of Playing Surfaces

NEWS: (CLEVELAND, Ohio) Project EverGreen, a national non-profit promoting the value of preserving and revitalizing managed green spaces, is bringing its 'Healthy Turf. Healthy Kids.'(TM) Initiative to parks in Greensboro and Durham, North Carolina.