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Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 3 – Ten Least Wanted List

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G. Chapter 3 - Ten Least Wanted List. The FBI regularly puts out the Ten Most Wanted list. And it is a fun read, let me tell you! You can find it here if you're interested in killing some time. Or whatever you're into killing. I don't know who composes the entries but in some of the descriptions of the guys on the lam, it often seems you can sense just a hint of a chatty tone creeping into the write-ups

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 2 – Open Wide and Say Ahhh

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G. Chapter 2: Open Wide and Say Ahhh. Sex is fun, recovery is not. Unless your doctor orders you to get lots of bed rest and gives you a big wink while saying it. Which didn't happen to me, but I'm just saying.