Women of Africa MarketplaceLOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ — California-based World Women Trade Fair, today announced the launch of Women of Africa Marketplace, a touring exhibition and marketplace, that allows African women in the creative and cultural business to promote and sell their products and services directly to the public and retail buyers in North America and Europe.

“Women prefer face-to-face way of doing business, inspired by the traditional German markets, the Women of Africa Marketplace, is a non inhibiting platform for African women in the creative and cultural business to learn new skills and have access to the resources and information they need to help them export,” Margaret Galabe, Executive Director, World Women Trade Fair, said. “African women are contributing to development; they provide new homes, education, and health care for their families, and community development.”

The mission of the World Women Trade Fair (www.worldwomentradefair.com) is to provide economic opportunities to women living in third-world countries and to assist them to gradually build a broad-based market. In addition, the World Women Trade Fair offers the Global Market Access Initiative offering skills training and information to access export markets.

“The program includes a Market Orientation component, offering coaching and skills training workshops to help them have a better understanding of the requirements of accessing export markets,” Galabe explained.

Another feature of the Women of Africa Marketplace is a dedicated website – www.womenofafricamarketplace.net – where specialty retail buyers are able to source these fine crafts. Information is also available on upcoming exhibitions and markets taking place in North America and Europe.

The Women of Africa Marketplace will showcase African women in the creative and cultural business from throughout Africa and the Indian Ocean states, offering products that are unique and techniques that dates back to many centuries handed down from many generations. For example, traditional elaborately-woven baskets, textile weaving techniques, embroidery skills and intricately-beaded jewelry. Women groups across Africa have revived their traditional basket weaving skills to create jobs and to re-build their communities.

For more information, visit: www.worldwomentradefair.com or call: 661-456-2286.

This story was issued by Send2Press® Newswire (Send2Press.com) on behalf of the news source and is Copyright © 2010 Neotrope® News Network – all rights reserved.

Story References: World Women Trade Fair, Margaret Galabe, Women of Africa Marketplace, touring exhibition and marketplace, specialty retail buyers, arts, crafts, retail, showcase African women in the creative and cultural business from throughout Africa and the Indian Ocean states, jewelry.