PORT HURON, Mich. — Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, ThD, DD, of Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc., presents a stunning Flash production announcing “God Offers Clemency to the Nations.” Dr. vonAnderseck offers a unique and compassionate approach in malevolent times with an inclusive message of hope to all communities and cultures.

God Offers Clemency to the NationsOn many different fronts questions are being asked that reflect the peril and doubt of the future. Physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking posed this question, “In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?” On July 24, 2006 CNN’s Paula Zahn asked: “Now, is the crisis in the Middle East predicted by the Bible?” During the program, an onscreen text read: “End of the world?” Clearly, the survival of the human race and the crises the world is facing is on the hearts and minds of Americans.

Understanding the fears people face as the daily news continues to be filled with broadcasts of global turmoil and terrorism, Dr. vonAnderseck states that the nations cannot resolve these problems of epidemic and biblical proportions, but God can. As the world scene continues to escalate towards World War III, he offers a much overlooked perspective in his powerful, one of a kind presentation.

Ready with a global response education program, Dr. vonAnderseck’s non-profit organization is presently positioned and spearheading an international effort committed to informing and preparing the world for what is ahead.

A must see message for today’s global community. Dr. vonAnderseck invites you to view his presentation:

“Truly you will find this Flash presentation intriguing, informing, compassionate, and moving,” says Dr. vonAnderseck. “I am available to answer any questions. Please call me or email me if you think this story is of interest.” Email: Ph.: (810) 984-5792.

Dr. vonAnderseck is the author of the upcoming book, “Breaking the Antichrist Code: The Blueprint of Deception.”

NEWS SOURCE: Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc.
[tags]Eric vonAnderseck, Second 8th Week Ministries, God Offers Clemency to the Nations[/tags]