NEW YORK, N.Y. — AtPrime Media, Inc. the sponsor of, one of the top age 50+ web services, announced today an addition to its highly valued consumer resource THE PENSION HELPER, a new free service entitled THE PENSION INSPECTOR.

With the PENSION INSPECTOR, the consumer is empowered to dial up key financial and funding information about their – or any – qualified Plan that files a required IRS.DOL Form 5500. It is estimated that more than 30% of Defined Benefit Plans are underfunded, based upon standards developed by the IRS and Department of Labor.

The Pension Inspector THE PENSION INSPECTOR utilizes data derived from the Department of Labor, and, Internal Revenue Service on data supplied by Plan Sponsors as filed on IRS/DOL Form 5500 series, under the Freedom of Information Act.

THE PENSION INSPECTOR provides the consumer with:

    (1) “FACTS AT A GLANCE” reports that summarize the financial and actuarial condition of the dialed up plan,

    (2) “FUNDED STATUS” reports for Defined Benefit Plans that provide ongoing plan information about the ability of the plan to satisfy its obligations (color coded for easy viewing – Red for under 100% funded, Orange for 110% funded, and Green for more than 110% funded),

    (3) “PENSION ALERT” reports that highlight loans in default, and other extraordinary transactions of the Plan, and

    (4) Redacted 5500.5500-I, and 5500-H Forms.

THE PENSION INSPECTOR was created and developed by pension expert David J. Tananbaum who has been supervising the filing and certifying of IRS Form 5500 and its predecessor Forms for more than 40 years as President of National Retirement Programs, Inc.

Mr. Tananbaum, founder of AtPrime Media, Inc, said upon the launch of its new service “We are, I believe, the only online resource available today that empowers the consumer to understand the financial condition of their retirement plan.”

Mary Furlong, founder of, ThirdAge Media, and Mary Furlong and Associates believes that the impact of the Pension Inspector is significant and commented “as the baby boomers navigate to their retirement, they need resources like the Pension Inspector to give them the accurate data about the status of their pension plan and fund. The Pension Inspector does this – it provides the information to access in an easy way.” was launched in 2001 and has become one of the top age 50+ web resources because of its exclusive coverage of pension and tax matters that impact the age 50+ market.

AtPrime Media, Inc. was founded by David J. Tananbaum who has been professionally active in the retirement industry for more than 40 years. Mr. Tananbaum is one of the founding members of the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries in 1967, and is currently a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and, is an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA. He has been invited to appear on CNN and CNBC as a pension expert in various matters in the past 10 years. publishes a weekday edition, as well as a weekend edition.

[tags]David J Tananbaum, The Pension Inspector, AtPrime Media Inc[/tags]