PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — The District of Columbia Government awarded U.S. Facilities, Inc. (USF) a five-year contract to manage the Unified Communications Center. The UCC is one of the nation’s premier large, integrated call centers and public safety/emergency response facilities. The state of the art, three story 127,000 SF office building houses specialized communications, and consolidates all emergency, non-emergency and public service call-taking and dispatch functions in a single facility incorporating a unified voice and communications system.

Anthony A. Williams, Mayor, District of Columbia, said recently, “The UCC is our way of ensuring that we are connected in this region in more ways than one … and that we also have the responsibility to provide the national capital first response efforts, which include providing centralized management for emergencies involving multiple agencies and jurisdictions.”

Those agencies include the FBI, Secret Services, FEMA, and the Capitol Police among others. USF’s mission will be to manage and keep the facility fully operational.

U.S. Facilities, Inc. is a leading professional facilities management and infrastructure support services firm. USF has been providing services on complex and highly secure maintenance management projects for its clients since 1967.

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[tags]US Facilities Inc, facilities management, DC Unified Communications Center[/tags]