John Scott G
Communication Nation: Tagline, You're It!
COLUMN: Scott G has been paying attention to the taglines in ads. Somebody needs to, because marketers are making a ton of mistakes in this important area of communication. Taglines often seem to be a cute little part of advertising but can actually be a deft tool of marketing. More appropriately called theme lines, they are supposed to help cement the most important brand attributes into the minds of consumers. When they work, it seems like magic.
Communication Nation: Jargonizing, or How American Business is Losing the War of Words

Music Critics Must Die: Art of the Recording Engineer – Matt Forger

Communication Nation: Digging the Idea of an iTomb

Music Critics Must Die: Indie Artist Management – Economic Realities & Insightful Strategies

Music Critics Must Die: Online Music Marketing – Math or Myth?

Music Critics Must Die: Digitizing The Record Industry – Retail Realities & the Road to Profits

Music Critics Must Die: Money for Your Music – The Cold-Cash Facts About Music Licensing

Communication Nation: Nix the Hicks
Some ad campaigns don't work. Like the recent mistake of putting an American Idol winner in a retail automotive ad. Scott G comments on Ford's chopping of Taylor Hicks.
Communication Nation: Blame! (Or Credit Where Credit is Due)
Copywriters and art directors get much of the attention in the ad world, but Scott G is one creative director who claims it's the account management function that controls how a campaign soars or collapses.