SEATTLE, Wash. — has become famous over the past few years for their outlandish eBay purchases, but this latest auction really bites. The Internet casino added to their Britney Spears collection by purchasing a vacuum-sealed half-eaten egg-salad sandwich and corndog which allegedly belonged to the pop-star and her husband Kevin Federline.

K-Fed's CorndogThe seller, working as a caterer at a Music Industry event dinner, was lucky enough to have his section blessed one night with the Britster and K-Fed. When the couple couldn’t finish their food, he had the presence of mind and pop-culture savvy to know that half-eaten celebrity chow could actually be worth something these days. In this case, it netted him $520, not a bad tip for an egg-salad sandwich and corn dog dinner.

As he puts it on his eBay page: “Britney ate [one half of the sandwich], and had a few bites of this half before being done with it…Kevin Federline had a few things to eat that night, but the only leftover item I managed to pick up from him was this corn dog. Kevin had two bites of the corndog and then set it down. Later I went to clear their plates with it, and as I was picking up the plate Britney picked it up really quick giggled and said ‘I can’t let that go to waste’ and quickly took a big bite off of the stick end of the corn dog.”

This is the latest Britney Spears item that has in their collection of weird and wacky pop-culture phenomenon. It will take its rightful place of honor beside her wedding invitation, baby pacifier, a half-full bottle of water, and the ultimate Britney item…the infamous Pregnancy Test.

“Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are one of those couples that are always in the news and tabloids,” said CEO Richard Rowe. “As long as people keep putting items like this up for auction, we’ll be keeping our eyes open for them.”

It will be interesting to see if any other of the pop star’s items make it to the collection, but with her saliva and urine already securely in their possession, the casino might even be able to clone Britney pretty soon.

[tags]GoldenPalace, Britney Spears, K-Fed, offbeat auction items, Richard Rowe, K-Fed Corndog[/tags]