SAN DIEGO, Calif. — In an open letter to Secretary of Agriculture A.G. Kawamura, dated June 2nd, 2007, the non-profit organization,, part of the San Diego chapter of Ferrets Anonymous, requested a formal re-evaluation of the California state-wide ban on domestic ferrets (Musteo putorius furo).

“The ban on ferrets as pets in California is has been justified on a single, 18-year-old study, for which no background information is available,” says Pat Wright, founder of Ferrets Anonymous and “The study is outdated and flawed. Since no one at the agriculture department or the Department of Fish and Game can give us any scientific reasons why domestic ferrets threaten agriculture or the environment, we feel the ban should be overturned.”

Wright characterizes his open letter to the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), the agency responsible for commissioning the 1989 study, as an invitation to examine the issue more closely, in the name of responsible government.

Ferrets Anonymous Wright says despite the domestic ferret’s illegal status, thousands of people keep ferrets as pets in California, and have done so for many years with no discernible ill effects on agriculture or the environment. Wright says the nation’s leading pet industry association reports 27% of ferret supplies sold in the United States are sold in California.

“We want to glean the wisdom of all the government agencies that have information on this issue and examine it closely. If ferrets do indeed pose a threat to agriculture or the environment, those who choose to own these domestic animals need to know, specifically, how and why.”

She adds: “If ferrets do not, in fact, pose a threat, we need to discuss the possibility of repealing an outdated law.”

“All people should have the right to choose the domestic pet most suitable for them. The ferret ban in California is not working, is not justifiable and is hurting a lot of Californians and people who wish to come to California,” says Wright.

Ferrets Anonymous ( is a non-profit, educational organization that advocates freedom of pet choice, animal welfare, scientific integrity and responsible government.

[tags]Ferrets Anonymous, ferret ban in California, ban on domestic ferrets[/tags]