Novel by Mark Biskeborn, explores some of the causes for the Iraq war, exposing fundamentalism on both sides of the conflict

IRVINE, Calif. — The recent novel, “Mojave Winds” (ISBN: 978-0-9801383-0-6), by Mark Biskeborn, has been met with widespread interest and some controversy. On the eve of the 5th anniversary of the Iraq invasion and in light of the recent Winter Soldier conference, the new novel attracts a great deal of attention to the plight of returning Iraq War Veterans, and their struggles to integrate back into society.

Mark Biskeborn has published numerous short stories and has written prolifically for magazines and blogs for more than fifteen years.

With an MA in Comparative Literature, the author has written fiction and nonfiction intensely since high school. He has lived and worked many years aboard. Living in foreign countries has given him the chops to place his stories in exotic places and with characters of differing cultures. More than four years of research went into the writing of Mojave Winds, mostly on the topics of religious fundamentalism and radical behavior.

In the past two weeks, over 150,000 new visitors have flooded the author’s website. This includes his online blog discussing fundamentalism of major religions, especially of Islam. The story allows us to glimpse inside the heads of extremists and what motivates them to commit crimes. The International Thriller Writers conference in New York features Mojave Winds The Writers’ Digest newsletter also features Mojave Winds as the author will attend the Writers’ Digest Conference in Los Angeles.

For more than seven years author Mark Biskeborn has been a contributing writer for several blogs, most recently, Smirking Chimp, and has received a swarm of comments from his regular weekly writings. Mark is currently scheduled to appear at the Book Expo of America in Los Angeles as well as at International Thriller Writers Conference in New York this year. Amazon Shorts has featured several of his short stories recently, and with more to come.

The author has held several book signing events helping to spread word about Mojave Winds’ recent launch which is resulting in its unprecedented sales success and rapidly growing popularity. Several mainstream publishing houses are considering author Mark Biskeborn while he polishes the completed manuscript of his next novel, the Sufi’s Ghost.

Mojave Winds is now available through, Barnes and Noble, and many other booksellers, as well as the author’s own site.

“Mojave Winds,” a novel by author Mark Biskeborn, shows us the difficulties protagonist Kris Klug faces. A returning Iraq War veteran, he faces calamities while integrating back into the civilian world. He suffers from flashbacks, nightmares, the drastic difference in civilian life, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress. He is shocked to discover that the war has also followed him back home to the U.S.

The author is a long time resident of California, and has also lived and worked many years abroad. He has contributed many non-fiction articles, essays, and book reviews to magazine publications and blogs. He also has had several short stories featured recently on Amazon Shorts with more to come. He is now polishing the completed manuscript for a sequel novel, “The Sufi’s Ghost,” slated for release by winter, 2008.

For more information, or to order the book online, visit , or call Scott Willis at 504.525.7694.

[tags]returning Iraq War Veterans, author Mark Biskeborn, Mojave Winds novel[/tags]