NEWBURY PARK, Calif. — CyberTouch is pleased to announce the introduction of FlexTouch, an unbreakable and flexible line of new touch screens designed for flat-panel or rear-projection displays. Utilizing polymer-on-polymer construction, FlexTouch incorporates four-wire resistive analog technology offering up to 86% transparency.

The user-surface is abrasion-resistant and anti-glare. The main advantage of resistive touch screens is their ability to be actuated with a gloved-hand, long finger nails or any dielectric stylus. The input is the result of an actual touch and exertion of a light force and not just proximity.

Designed to respond to 20 grams or actuation force, FlexTouch Touch Screens are virtually unbreakable and ideal for hand-held and navigation devices as well as integration with test equipment. The Touch Screen’s innovative flex tail is designed to mate with a 1mm (0.039″) Ziff as well as standard 2.54 mm (0.1″) crimp connector. Only 1.3 mm (0.053″) thick, FlexTouch Touch Screens are very compact and are designed to be compressed with an environmental gasket underneath the bezel for sealing.

Designed for commercial, industrial and medical applications, FlexTouch Touch Screens have been tested to 36 million actuations. They are supported with USB or Serial touch screen controllers, software drivers and cables. Added-value services such as EMI shield, optical filters as well as LCD/touch screen integration are available upon request.

At the present time, FlexTouch Touch Screens are fabricated only on custom basis with a 4-6 week design to prototype cycle.

About CyberTouch
CyberTouch designs and manufactures specialty touch screens and related products for the commercial, medical, industrial, aerospace, military and other harsh-environment industries. Founded in 1982 as a custom touch screen manufacturer, nowadays, CyberTouch offers more than 300 standard touch screens, open-frame and desktop LCD touch screen monitors and value added services such as turn-key touch integration. The CyberTouch Advance Product Design Department designs and builds prototypes in less than three weeks!

For further information, please call 805-499-5000 or visit:

[tags]FlexTouch LCD touch screens, CyberTouch flat panel displays[/tags]