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Tax Expert Reveals A Disturbing Tax Revelation: Another Reason to Dislike Congress and Distrust Democrats?
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- In his new book, "The New Income Tax Scandal: How Congress Hijacked the Sixteenth Amendment" (ISBN 1413495443, Xlibris) John C. Garrison, who has served honorably on the legal staff of a major State of Florida law enforcement agency, and who has been active for over two decades in tax history research and tax reform activism, has delved into the history of those questionable events in Congress that led to the establishment of our modern income tax, fearlessly revealing in his book the legislative corruption that went into the system at its inception.
Size Affects Property Tax in Calif.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif -- Because someone has to step up and suggest something: this year's address deals with California's property tax -- All aspects of California Proposition 13 on property taxes are to remain the same except that homes of "4,000 square feet or more" are to pay an additional 1%.