Northern California Physician Incorporates His Personal Experience Into an Individualized Treatment Approach for Optimizing Fertility

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — 7.3 million women experience infertility each year in the U.S. alone. In fact, 1 in 5 women have difficulty conceiving as more women than ever are having their first or subsequent child after the age of 35, a contributing factor of infertility. Enter Dr. Robert Greene’s forthcoming book, “PERFECT HORMONE BALANCE FOR FERTILITY: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Pregnant” (ISBN: 978-0-307-33740-5, A Three Rivers Press Original; May 6, 2008).

In a groundbreaking follow-up to his first two books on the connection of hormones to physical and mental well-being, Dr. Greene, a Sacramento based reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist), OB/GYN, and hormone researcher provides evidence-based recommendations to help couples improve their own success rates. He relates his personal application of the concepts outlined in the book and his motivation for relocating to Sacramento to provide the sort of care that was not available to him and his wife. What makes this book so unique is that it empowers couples to take an active role in their fertility future, helping them to avoid the all too common diagnostic pitfalls and one-size-fits-all treatment traps.

Dr. Greene and his wife Morgan have experienced some of these problems firsthand. Morgan was 39 and Dr. Greene was 41 when they decided to have their first child. Even though Dr. Greene is a world-renowned expert in fertility, they relied on their colleagues to guide their treatment. Like so many other couples going through infertility treatment, they felt like they were being ushered through a protocol of tests and treatments. They experienced the devastation of a miscarriage and a failed cycle of in vitro fertilization at another northern California fertility center; just when they were being told to push on with more aggressive treatment, they decided to take a step back and apply what Dr. Greene has been espousing in his previous books-hormone balance-and they indeed got pregnant and Morgan delivered a healthy baby girl.

PERFECT HORMONE BALANCE FOR FERTILITY is Dr. Greene’s response to that experience, a unique groundbreaking approach to enhancing a couple’s fertility and when appropriate, coordinating that with the latest advances in the field of infertility.

The latest research suggests a strong link between hormonal imbalances and infertility. Rather than focusing on producing more eggs and embryos as many fertility clinics do, Dr. Greene incorporates new research findings into his “symptoms matter” approach to enhancing fertility. He encourages women and their partners, to listen to their symptoms, and to treat these symptoms before attempting costly, invasive, and sometimes emotionally draining tests and procedures.

For example, if you’re tired during the day, it may mean that your sleep is disrupted at night; poor sleep can disrupt ovulation. Dr. Greene also discusses which sleep therapies can help and which ones can hurt your chances of conception (hint: melatonin supplements are not good for fertility). If you’re hungry an hour after you eat, you may be experiencing imbalances in blood sugar, a common fertility pitfall. Fatigue is a common symptom of anemia; a simple and often overlooked obstacle to pregnancy. These are just a few of the myriad symptoms that Dr. Greene encourages women and men to evaluate and treat themselves BEFORE they schedule their first appointment with a fertility specialist. Just addressing your symptoms on your own may eliminate the need for the appointment in the first place.

PERFECT HORMONE BALANCE FOR FERTILITY is chock full of sidebars and easy-to-complete questionnaires that will allow couples to understand and diagnose their own FERTILITY FACTORS, optimize their health while trying to become pregnant, and to become active and educated partners with their health care team in their quest to have a healthy baby.

Dr. Greene encourages readers to look at their own specific diet and lifestyle choices to maximize their health while trying to conceive.

For instance:
– Decreasing consumption of animal products, since meat creates an imbalance between egg-promoting hormones FSH and LH
– Going organic to reduce exposure to hormone disrupters for men and women
– Avoiding trans-fats because they affect ovulation
– Which supplements and herbs can help, based on thorough research, and which don’t
– The importance of using iodized salt and eating Brazil nuts
– When acupuncture is helpful and when it’s not
– How stress affects ovulation and which types of stress reducing activities are proven to reduce stress hormones versus those that have no proof behind them
– How much exercise is good and when it can begin to impede your fertility.

Dr. Greene also discusses new tests that are available at the local drugstore that can give you an estimate of how fertile you really are, and discusses which ovulation tests work the best to help people conceive on their own.

PERFECT HORMONE BALANCE FOR FERTILITY is an indispensable guide for those who are just starting to think of having their first child, or for those who want to introduce another member into their family.

“An insightful, encouraging, and provocative toolbox for couples seeking fertility.” – Dr. Mehmet Oz.

“This book is a must-read for couples having difficulty getting pregnant.” – Publishers Weekly.


ROBERT A. GREENE, M.D., is one of the country’s leading hormone specialists, board certified in OB/GYN and reproductive endocrinology. He is the medical director of the Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine-Northern California, with offices in Sacramento and Pleasanton.

LAURIE TARKAN is an award-winning medical writer who writes for the New York Times and consumer magazines, and has written several books.

Title: “Dr. Robert Greene’s Perfect Hormone Balance for Fertility The Ultimate Guide To Getting Pregnant”
Authors: Robert A. Greene, M.D. and Laurie Tarkan
General: Publication Date: May 6, 2008; 317 pages; $16.95 US; ISBN: 978-0-307-33740-5.

For More Information Contact:
Donna Davis
of Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine-Northern Calif.
for Dr. Robert Greene

[tags]Perfect Hormone Balance for Fertility, Ultimate Guide To Getting Pregnant, author Robert A Greene MD, authorLaurie Tarkan[/tags]