ATLANTA, Ga. — M2SYS Technology, a biometric technology research and development company, announced today it has formed a partnership with PCS Revenue Control Systems, a leading provider of foodservice management technology. This partnership will benefit school districts by enabling PCS to integrate and distribute M2SYS’ cutting edge fingerprint software technology, Bio-Plugin(TM), within their FASTRAK(TM) school meal software.

The software application, now enhanced with fingerprint functionality, is currently available to PCS’ established customer base of more than 8,000 school systems across the U.S. In addition to FASTRAK(TM), many of PCS’ other POS solutions will also soon be available with the M2SYS fingerprint software.

“M2SYS offered unparalleled service, innovative technology, and affordable pricing,” commented David Yaniv, General Manager of PCS. “Bio-Plugin allowed us to address the demand for fingerprint technology in our market without the headache of having to learn and support the intricacies of biometric technology ourselves. We now have a scalable fingerprint software solution that is extremely easy to maintain.”

“With the addition of another prominent foodservice POS software provider to our growing list of fingerprint software integrators, M2SYS has clearly established itself as a leading provider of biometric technology to schools,” noted Mizan Rahman, CEO and Chief Scientist of M2SYS. “By integrating Bio-Plugin(TM), PCS will be able to help school districts take advantage of the benefits of biometrics. Schools can use this new technology to secure back office operations, eliminate costs associated with student ID cards and lunch tickets, and increase efficiency in the lunch line,” Rahman added.

About M2SYS Technology
M2SYS Technology,, is a forward thinking, biometric research and development company. Its portfolio includes Bio-Plugin(TM), a patent-pending biometrics solution that software providers can use to rapidly adopt a turn-key, seamless, server-based biometric technology system with minimal development effort.

About PCS Revenue Control Systems
PCS Revenue Control Systems,, is the leader in K-12 POS systems, offering a complete solution to School Nutrition market. This includes Food Production, Menu Planning, Inventory, Web-Payment and more. PCS is unique in the industry, achieving the highest percentage of satisfied customers in fully installed school districts.

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[tags]M2SYS Technology, PCS Revenue Control Systems, fingerprint software technology[/tags]