MIAMI, FL — DNA 11, the creators of nationally-acclaimed DNA artwork, are proud to announce an innovative, second-generation product of fingerprint art. These custom-made, digital works of art capture the essence of the client by creating a personalized image; customers can select one fingerprint or all five.

“We are so excited about this,” Adrian Salamunovic, co-founder, DNA 11, said. “We have taken our progressive art to the next level and are creating personal art portraits for people.”

DNA 11’s first designs combined science and art by photographing their customers’ DNA, enlarging it, and printing it on high-quality canvas. These pieces were so popular that founders, Salamunovic and Nazim Ahmed, expanded their product line.

This is how the process works: Customers place their orders on DNA 11’s Website (; size and custom color are selected; DNA 11 sends a fingerprint collection kit including all essentials; and the kit is returned to DNA 11 studios.

Once the image(s) is received, DNA 11 scans the print(s) with a high-resolution scanner. That print is then manually adjusted to clearly illustrate each fingerprint ridge; images(s) can be magnified up 4,000 percent.

The artwork is affordable and offers a wide range of prices; framing is an option. There are 15 exciting color schemes categorized into three designer-color series: Classics, Earth, and Pop.

“These pieces contribute to any stylish home decor,” explained Salamunovic, “and they allow the personality of the customer to shine through.”

Typically, when choosing a piece of art, buyers attempt to create an environment for it. Now, through DNA 11’s innovative ColorMatch(TM) technology, customers can customize foregrounds and backgrounds to match their environment instead of the other way around.

These works of art also make unique gifts. Parents can proudly display their children’s images, and couples can personalize their homes.

“We have experienced such success with DNA art that we are confident our new product will also become one of the hottest products in the home decor market,” explained Ahmed.

DNA 11 has been featured in elite media outlets including Dwell, HGTV, Cargo, Vogue Italy, Fashion TV, USA Today, WIRED and Playboy. Products have been showcased in the WIRED store in SOHO and in galleries in South Beach, FL.

Information and images:

[tags]DNA 11, fingerprint art, decorating, interior design, posters, prints, Miami, Florida, home decor, ColorMatch[/tags]