ROCHESTER, N.Y. — May is National Foster Care Month and Children Awaiting Parents invites you to share your stories about your experience with foster care. The contest is open to people of all ages interested in reflecting on either their experience being in foster care, being a foster parent, or their experience adopting or being adopted from foster care. More than 120,000 children in America, in foster care, are legally free for adoption and waiting for a loving family to call their own. Children Awaiting Parents in dedicated to finding homes for foster children that have been waiting the longest.

Children Awaiting ParentsEssays must be the original work of the contestant and should be typed in a 12-point font in English with double spacing and have a cover sheet with contact information.

Essays should be between 500 and 750 words in length and submitted by May 29th, 2009. If the contestant is under the age of eighteen, a parent/guardian must authorize their submission. Essays may be submitted to or mailed to Children Awaiting Parents, 595 Blossom Road, Suite 306, Rochester, NY 14610. (Mailed essays must be postmarked by May 29th, 2009.)

All submissions will be reviewed by Children Awaiting Parents’ Executive and Associate Directors. Age of the contestant will be considered during judging process. The top three essays will be featured on beginning June 8th. Our first prize essayist will also receive a Voice for Adoption Cookbook and Children Awaiting Parents’ custom magnet. Second and Third prize winners will receive the Children Awaiting Parents’ custom magnet.

About Children Awaiting Parents

Children Awaiting Parents, Inc. (CAP) is a national, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. CAP is a founding member of The Adoption Exchange Association and Voice for Adoption. Both are coalitions of organizations and child welfare advocates addressing the urgent needs of waiting children throughout the United States.