
Government News, including Ballot Initiatives, Local and State Policy and Related

California Ferret Activist Pat Wright

California Ferret Activist Pat Wright Files Lawsuit Against State’s Fish and Game Commission President Eric Sklar

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Pat Wright, a resident of La Mesa, California, has filed a lawsuit against Eric Sklar, President of the California Fish and Game Commission in San Diego Superior Court, challenging the arbitrary classification of domestic ferrets as wild animals. The lawsuit, titled Wright v. Sklar, was filed in the San Diego Superior Court and seeks a writ of mandate and declaratory relief. Wright is the founder of

RMA Hired by City of Sarasota FL for Economic Development Professional Consulting Services

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The award-winning economic development firm, RMA (, is proud to have been selected by the City of Sarasota to conduct an Economic Development Market Analysis and Visioning for the City, including its business districts and neighborhoods.

IMPACTAZ class of 2024: The Black Chamber of Arizona Advances Economic Growth with Second Cohort, Empowering 30 Entrepreneurs

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The Black Chamber of Arizona is proud to announce the induction of 30 diverse small business owners into ImpactAZ 2025, a multi-Year program focused on contracting readiness. The program works directly with corporations to create more access and equity in purchasing and procurement. The 2nd cohort kicked off on April 24th awarding a total of $75,000 in scholarships, underscoring the commitment to fostering economic growth across the state of Arizona.

Osceola, Iowa’s Housing Boom in 2024: Working to Meet All Levels of Housing Needs

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- At the beginning of the year, another call into the Clarke County Development Corporation's (CCDC) offices rang, telling Executive Director, Bill Trickey, the Osceola Building Incentive Program is still connecting with home builders and developers. Since its inception in early 2019, the lot program, originally referred to as the "Free Land Program," has resulted in more than a half dozen lots exchanged with developers and home builders in lieu of standard homeowner tax abatements.

2024 Americas Summit: Concordia Announces Strategic Partnership with the Fund for Nature

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- This morning at its 2024 Americas Summit, Concordia - the leading public-private sector convener - announced a partnership with CrossBoundary Group's Fund for Nature (FFN). The announcement was made publicly during the session Expanding Access to Capital for Nature-Based Carbon Projects featuring H.E. Iván Duque, Former President of the Republic of Colombia and Chair of the Concordia Amazonas Initiative, Kate Wharton, Managing Director and Head of Natural Capital at CrossBoundary, and Matthew Swift, Co-Founder, President & CEO of Concordia.

Litaker for Congress announces appointment of three key personnel for crucial roles in bid for the congressional seat in Alabama’s 7th...

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Litaker for Congress is pleased to announce the appointment of three key personnel who will play crucial roles in her bid for the congressional seat in Alabama's 7th district. This team combines deep political acumen with innovative approaches, aligning perfectly with the campaign's mission.

Idaho Rural Water Association presents Idaho Governor Brad Little with the 2024 ‘Friend of Rural Water’ Award

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA) is extremely proud to recognize and honor Governor Brad Little with its prestigious annual award, "Friend of Rural Water." Each year, the award is presented to a champion of rural water who has made a significant contribution in helping public drinking water and wastewater utility systems throughout the state. On April 4, 2024, IRWA's CEO, Shelley Roberts presented the well-deserved award to Governor Little at the IRWA annual Spring Conference Awards Dinner in Boise, Idaho.

Approximately $150M Available for Projects that Restore, Protect and Enhance Minnesota Wildlife Habitat

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC) last week issued its annual Call for Funding Request from the Outdoor Heritage Fund. Approximately $150 million will be available for both metro and statewide grants to aid Minnesota habitat restoration, protection and enhancement.

Persian American Civic Action Network [PACAN] Announces its 3rd annual fundraising Gala to celebrate the Centennial of the Imperial Iranian Air...

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Persian American Civic Action Network [PACAN] is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering Iranian-Americans for civic engagement and activism for the restoration of diplomatic relations between the United States and a free, democratic, and secular Iran. PACAN is excited to announce their 3rd annual fundraising Gala to celebrate the Centennial of the Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF).

Hallandale Beach announces acquisition of 9 cutting-edge electric buses, the only fully electric bus fleet owned by any Florida municipality

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Hallandale Beach is the gateway of Broward County in sunny south Florida, a city pulsating with life and innovation. Progress continues to be at the forefront of this City, as Hallandale Beach proudly announces the acquisition of nine (9) cutting-edge electric buses, the largest electric bus fleet owned by any municipality in Florida. The all-electric fleet isn't just about upgrading transit; it's about shaping a safe, reliable, and environmentally conscious community.