

Manufacturing News including Machinery, Products and Related


Manufacturing News including Machinery, Products and Related

American High Performance Seals Inc. Earns ISO 9001:2015 Quality System Certification

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- American High Performance Seals, Inc. (AHPSeals) has recently earned the ISO 9001:2015 company certification for quality management. Organizations that earn this certification, pass a detailed physical ISO 9001:2015 certification audit performed by a registrar.

MAGLITE Flashlight and Video of Hero San Bernardino Sheriff will be a Permanent Display at the National Law Enforcement Museum

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The National Law Enforcement Museum will open to the public on October 13 in Washington D.C. and MAGLITE(R) representatives and San Bernardino County Sheriff Lieutenant Jim Considine will be in attendance to experience this momentous occasion.

2018 marks a decade of support by the MAGLITE brand for the National Breast Cancer Foundation

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- This month, Mag Instrument Inc. (MAG), the company that produces the iconic MAGLITE(R) line of flashlights, is once again partnering with National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.(R) (NBCF) to promote awareness of and raise funds to support the work of NBCF. In fact, 2018 will mark a decade that Mag Instrument Inc. has observed Breast Cancer Awareness Month and donated nearly $400,000 to NBCF.

Hartness, An ITW Company Grows with New Manufacturing in S.C., and New VP/GM Tim Hudson

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- It's an oft-proven fact of business and industry that expansion, in and of itself, does not always and automatically lead to bigger and better things. For example, about eight years ago, Hartness, An ITW Company, recognized that it had outgrown its main facility.

Symco 2018 AV Technology Showcases Head to Boston and NYC in October

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Symco Inc., which represents leading electronics manufacturers in the communications industry, will hold its Fall Technology Showcases October 2 and 4, 2018, in Boston and New York City. Attendees at these showcase events include consultants, integrators, and end-users from the commercial AV and IT space.

BOGE America Oil Free Compressors Eliminate Risk in the Food Industry and Medical Trades

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- In recent months, there have been numerous instances in the news about food borne illnesses that have reaffirmed the ongoing need for quality oil free compressors in kitchens and food preparation areas, says BOGE America, Inc.

Air Technical Industries Innovates for the New York Aquarium with a One-of-a-Kind Shark Crane

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Have you ever visited an aquarium and wondered how the animals found their way in there? Engineers at Air Technical Industries (ATI) learned first-hand by designing a creative solution for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in New York City: the first continuous, double-rail, serpentine crane system of its kind.

Clean PVC Certification Announced for PVC-Based Products and Sustainable Building

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Clean PVC LLC, an environmental consulting organization, today announced the launch of its Clean PVC(R) Certification program. The program identifies flooring, wallcovering, upholstery, and other PVC-based products that have been found safe via REACH compliance for use in sustainable building projects. REACH is a regulation adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from risks posed by chemicals.

Congresswoman Grace Napolitano Honors Gordon Brush Mfg. Co. with Certificate of Congressional Recognition

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Congresswoman Grace Napolitano (CA-32) presented a Certificate of Congressional Recognition to Gordon Brush President and CEO, Ken Rakusin at a ceremony at the Company's 183,000 square foot manufacturing complex on Thursday, August 30, 2018.

SprayWorks Equipment Group announces James Davidson Innovative Student Scholarship

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- SprayWorks is proud to announce its new scholarship program, The James Davidson Innovative Student Scholarship. The scholarship is named after SprayWorks Equipment Group owner, James Davidson. James has been designing robots and equipment for Polyurethanes for three decades and has contributed thousands of hours teaching Polyurethane professionals how to create careers in the industry.