News: Non-Profit Organization

Non Profit Organizations News and NonProfit Charity Organization News

California Ferret Organization Calls for Re-Evaluation of Ban on Domestic Ferrets

Ferrets AnonymousSAN DIEGO, Calif. -- In an open letter to Secretary of Agriculture A.G. Kawamura, dated June 2nd, 2007, the non-profit organization,, part of the San Diego chapter of Ferrets Anonymous, requested a formal re-evaluation of the California state-wide ban on domestic ferrets (Musteo putorius furo).

Join Mosaic Jewish Outdoor Club of South Florida for its annual 'Mix and Mingle' Membership Drive HAPPY HOUR

Mosaic Jewish Outdoor ClubHOLLYWOOD, Fla. -- Please join the Mosaic Jewish Outdoor Club at Aroma Cafe & Bar in Hollywood, FL on June 13 to meet new people and have a fun-filled evening of dancing, food, and a few good drinks. Renew or become a Mosaic member, or bring a guest who's never been to a Mosaic event for an entry into our raffle.

First Large-Scale Spraying Campaign for Malaria in Senegal in 50 Years Underway

DAKAR, Senegal -­- The U.S. Goverrnment, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, launched two new activities under the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) in Senegal yesterday with the start of the first large-scale community-based spraying campaign in Senegal in the village of Keur Moussa and the delivery of 200,000 bednets in outlying areas of the capital, Dakar.

NBFAA Offers Tips for Home Security: Summer is Just around the Corner – So are Thieves

NBFAAIRVING, Texas -- Nearly every 15 seconds a burglary is committed in the United States, and the busiest burglar season is summer. So before you pack that suitcase, board the family pet and say goodbye to everyday chores, make sure you've planned ways to keep your home and valuables safe. To help with that planning, the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA) offers these tips.

Celebrant Graduates to Officiate at Ceremonies for People to 'Live the Art of Life'

Celebrant USAMONTCLAIR, N.J. -- Under a band of multi-colored ribbons and accompanied by live yodeling, fifty graduates received certificates and joined the growing ranks of Celebrants during ceremonies Sunday at the Madison Hotel in Morristown, N.J., it was announced by Celebrant USA Foundation & Institute.

Thieves Beware – Alarm Systems Know What You're Up To

NBFAAIRVING, Texas -- The air was electric as central station operators at HSM Electronic Protection Services worked tirelessly to help police apprehend three would-be thieves that had broken into a customer's store. Their persistence and dedication to their customer was what earned HSM the 2007 First Line of Defense Award.

Tehachapi Hospital Foundation Seeks Funds to Save Rural Critical Access Facility

TEHACHAPI, Calif. -- The Tehachapi Hospital Foundation, an IRS 501(c)(3) organization, is actively seeking funds to build a new hospital in a region between Lancaster and Bakersfield, CA - Tehachapi. The present Tehachapi Hospital is unable to meet state-mandated earthquake safety requirements; the existing structure cannot be retrofitted.

Celebrity Endorsed Website, Refunds for Good, Turns War Tax Into Peace Dividend

Martin SheenWOODBRIDGE, Conn. -- On the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq, two social entrepreneurs, Jon Gorham and Michael Swartz from Connecticut, have launched a web site to help foster peace in the world: Swartz and Gorham created a company called Refunds for Good, Inc. and have launched an interactive web portal that shows individuals and organizations how to claim telephone tax refunds on their 2006 returns.

Celebrities Endorse 'Refunds for Good' Web Site to Recycle Phone Tax Refunds to Help Stop Global Warming

Ed Begley, Jr.WOODBRIDGE, Conn. -- "Global warming, air pollution, over-population - these are daunting challenges that we all face - but there is a solution. Here's your chance to make a difference," says Ed Begley, Jr. on the new Refunds for Good website:

Columbia Tower Club Opens its Doors in a Rare Opportunity for the Public to Attend the 4th Annual Monte Carlo Casino...

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Incredible glamour, amazing intrigue, and a worthy cause are back for another round in one of Seattle's most popular fund-raisers, the Columbia Tower Club's 4th annual Monte Carlo Casino Night on Saturday, March 24th, 2007.