News: Pets

Pets News, including Animals, Veterinary News, and Related Topics

National Pet Idol Contest to Support Animal Rescue Efforts

PHOENIX, Ariz. -- Look out American Idol, there's a new game in town. RESCUE, a non-profit 501(c)3, based in Phoenix, had such success with their first pet idol contest at the local level, that this year, they are taking it national. The national pet idol contest will benefit the efforts of RESCUE, an organization that is dedicated to saving the lives of animals on euthanasia lists.

California Ferret Owners Seek Answers from the California Department of Food & Agriculture

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- According to, California ferret owners are upset that the head of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the Honorable A.G. Kawamura has ignored a formal request and letter writing campaign to get the CDFA to reevaluate their position that ferrets pose a threat to the state's agricultural industries.

What's in a Name? Everything to Your Dog

Happy Hound bookSANDPOINT, Idaho -- The most important thing you can teach your new dog is his name, according to Susan Daffron of Logical Expressions, Inc. If your dog doesn't learn his name, it's almost impossible to teach him anything else. Daffron offers a few naming suggestions based on her book "Happy Hound: Develop a Great Relationship with Your Adopted Dog or Puppy" (ISBN: 978-0-9749245-2-6).

California Ferret Organization Calls for Re-Evaluation of Ban on Domestic Ferrets

Ferrets AnonymousSAN DIEGO, Calif. -- In an open letter to Secretary of Agriculture A.G. Kawamura, dated June 2nd, 2007, the non-profit organization,, part of the San Diego chapter of Ferrets Anonymous, requested a formal re-evaluation of the California state-wide ban on domestic ferrets (Musteo putorius furo).

Pet Food Recall Still Not Getting The Job Done, Says N.Y. Veterinarian Richard Orzeck

TRUMANSBURG, N.Y. -- In spite of the sincere efforts on the part of dog and cat food manufacturers whose products have been affected by the pet food recall to get the word out to their customers, cats and dogs are still getting sick and dying. "It's been almost three weeks since the first news reports of deaths and illnesses occurring in our nation's cats and dogs from their having eaten potentially tainted pet foods and treats," says New York veterinarian, Dr. Richard Orzeck.

Pet Food Recall: Next Steps for Pet Owners

Ariel rescueDANA POINT, Calif. -- Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist announced today a comprehensive holistic plan to help heal pets affected by the pet food recall. "Pets affected by the pet food recall can greatly benefit from a balanced homemade diet and nutritional supplements that will help detoxify the kidneys and liver," says Susan Blake Davis, veterinary nutritionist.

Snow is Good for the Beargrease and Thinking Pink is Even Better for Those Affected by Breast Cancer

GRAND MARAIS, Minn. -- Hope for snow and look for pink at this year's John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon. In an effort to raise awareness for breast cancer the Blacks from Black Magic Kennels started a dog adoption program. They have partnered with Susan Prom of Pink Paddles and through their partnership they hope to raise $1200 for the National Breast Care Foundation.

New Book Shares Tips for Raising a Shelter-Adopted Dog

happy houndSANDPOINT, Idaho -- A new book from Logical Expressions, Inc. aims to help new, adoptive-dog owners get off on the right "paw." "Happy Hound: Develop a Great Relationship with Your Adopted Dog or Puppy" (ISBN: 978-0-9749245-2-6; LCCN-2006909898) tells new owners what they need to know to raise a wonderful family pet.

Holistic Pet Care Can Help Address Cat Kidney Disease

Susan Blake DavisDANA POINT, Calif. -- "Cat kidney disease and feline renal failure can be helped using holistic pet care," says Susan B. Davis, veterinary nutritionist for Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist. Diet, nutritional supplements and acupuncture can help increase longevity and overall quality of life. Kidney disease is very common in older cats. Owners need to be mindful not only of the kidney disease but of the other complications that can arise such as anemia, dehydration and potential hyperthyroidism, all of which can affect the cat's diet.

Dog Cancer: Holistic Pet Care Can Help

Susan Blake DavisDANA POINT, Calif. -- "Dogs with cancer can be helped using holistic pet care," says Susan B. Davis, veterinary nutritionist for Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist ( Diet and nutritional supplements can help boost a dog's immune system, increase longevity and overall quality of life. Dogs and cats with cancer need a diet that is high in quality protein, low in carbohydrates and rich in enzymes and Omega 3 fatty acids.