MyHollywoodFilm Creates Virtual Studio System for Education, Production and Distribution
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- MyHollywoodFilm, a global virtual studio for the Independent Film production and education industry, has established a unique P2P networking community. Filmmakers can find instruction, establish their careers, create the films of tomorrow and gain worldwide, viewable exposure, 24/7.
SecurWireless, KapLogic Team on Turnkey Wireless Physical Security Solutions
LANDOVER, Md. -- SecurWireless, Inc. (SWI), provider of fully integrated wireless surveillance products and services for government, state and local, and commercial applications, and KapLogic Corporation, the security industry's leading developer of security integration software, have formed a joint marketing partnership.
Ohio Homeowners to Receive Foreclosure Prevention Help
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio homeowners at risk of foreclosure will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with their mortgage lender at the free HOPE NOW Homeownership Preservation Workshop this Sunday, March 30. Ohio is the second state offering the HOPE NOW workshops, co-sponsored by NeighborWorks(R) America, as part of a national tour aimed at giving struggling homeowners face time with their lender.
IPTV and Streaming Movie Industry to Generate $70 Billion Over Six Years, says Insight Research
BOONTON, N.J. -- Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet, an IPTV network, or a mobile handset will generate $70 billion in network-derived and content-derived revenue into the U.S. markets over the next six years, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation.
Six Year-Old Indian Delaney Tyon is Nastar National Ski Champion
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. -- "I won the gold because everyone helped me," said 6 year-old Oglala-Sioux, Delaney Tyon, at Nastar's National Ski Championships, according to Olympic skier Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee, co-chair of Native Voices Foundation (NVF). The event including Canada and Australia, was held at Steamboat Springs, Colorado, last week.
DAXKO and M2SYS Partner to Offer Fingerprint Software Solution to YMCA Market
ATLANTA, Ga. -- M2SYS Technology, an award-winning biometric technology research and development firm, announced today that it has finalized an agreement with DAXKO, a leading provider of operations software and services to the YMCA market. The agreement will benefit YMCAs and their members by speeding the flow of critical information and increasing the efficiency of operations.
Whistleblower Mark Whitacre to be Subject of Film
FRESNO, Calif. -- Cypress Systems, Inc, a Fresno CA based biotechnology company, announced that it has promoted Mark E. Whitacre, Ph.D. to become the company's Chief Operating Officer (COO) and President of Operations. Dr. Whitacre joined the executive management team in December 2006 as President of Technology and Business Development for the new east coast office.
Ancient Petroglyph May be Key to Santa Claus Legend
PRICE, Utah -- This year, Santa can't wait for Christmas. A small, but dedicated group of rock art preservationists in Utah - the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition and their allies - are fighting to preserve what may be the original Santa Claus. Nine Mile Canyon: Located high on the side of a sheer cliff in a rugged place in central Utah is an ancient petroglyph that dates back over 1,000 years.
Patent for Targeted Injectable Gene Delivery In Vivo Awarded to Epeius Biotech
SAN MARINO, Calif. -- Epeius Biotechnologies Corporation announced today the issue of U.S. Patent No. 7,347,998 for Targeted Gene Delivery in vivo. This patent provides additional intellectual property protection for the platform of highly advanced biotechnologies embodied in the company's leading anti-cancer agent, Rexin-G.
Beleaf Tote: Pledge to Tote Green on Earth Day
MANASQUAN, N.J. -- It may not be fashionable to be seen sporting paper or plastic, but making a statement with ecofashion is in. Americans throw away 100 billion plastic bags a year, recycling less than one percent of them, according to the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental research and advocacy group in Washington. Perfect for Earth Day and beyond, the new Beleaf tote solves the paper or plastic dilemma.