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Tag: Competency Based Education

Regent Education Announces Support for U.S. Department of Education Experimental Sites Initiative (ESI)

FREDERICK, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Regent Education has announced support for the Department of Education's Limited Direct Assessment Experiment via its industry-leading financial aid management software, Regent 8. Regent 8 is the only solution to offer full support for all enrollment models, including non-term and Competency Based Education (CBE).

Regent Education’s Financial Aid Management Solution, Regent 8, chosen by Texas A&M University-Commerce

COMMERCE, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Texas AandM University-Commerce has selected Regent Education's financial aid management solution, Regent 8, to support the administration of financial aid for the state's first competency-based degree offered by a public university. The program is entitled the Texas Affordable Baccalaureate.