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Tag: Education Scholarship

Michigan Chronicle and TCF Bank to Invest $100K in Detroit Students and Educators with Fifth Annual SWAG Awards

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- TCF Bank announced today that it will renew its partnership with the Michigan Chronicle to provide scholarships to Detroit high school seniors through the Michigan Chronicle/TCF Bank S.W.A.G. (Students Wired for Achievement and Greatness) Scholarship Awards. For 2020, the bank will award scholarships between $5,000 and $20,000 per student to 15 awardees.

C Diff Foundation is pleased to announce the Michael and Helen Caralla, Sr. Educational Scholarship program

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The C Diff Foundation is pleased to announce the Michael and Helen Caralla, Sr. Educational Scholarship program. The scholarship program is to help health care students succeed and reach their educational goals.

First-generation U.S. College Students Win 'I'm First' Scholarship and Share Their Stories

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Eight first-year college students who beat the odds to become the first in their family to attend college have been awarded Center for Student Opportunity's 'I'm First Scholarship,' a $2,000, four-year, renewable award. Along with 25 previous winners, these students share their personal stories, chronicle their college experiences, and offer advice to aspiring first-generation college students on the 'I'm First' blog.