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Tag: Insight Research Corporation

Worldwide Telecom Industry Revenue to hit $2 Trillion by 2020, says Insight Research Corp.

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: According to Insight Research, telecom services revenue worldwide will grow from $2.2 trillion in 2015 to $2.4 trillion in 2019. Insight's newly-released market analysis report, 'The 2015 Telecommunications Industry Review: An Anthology of Market Facts and Forecasts' includes regional and service forecasts, assessment of key growth drivers, analysis of industry trends, network infrastructure and enterprise telecom markets.

Strategic Data Services Aimed at US Businesses Represent $160B Opportunity over Five Years, says Insight Research

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Insight Research projects that the aggregate market for a key group of data services will grow two to three times the rate for basic transport services, representing more than a $160 billion opportunity for carriers over the next five years.

Insight Research Corp. new study: $30B U.S. Telecom Private Line Services Market Starts to Decline

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: The $30 billion U.S. private line services market has finally entered a period of no growth, says a market analysis study from Insight Research Corp. Private line had always been a growth market for telcos and has been tracked by Insight for more than 18 years showing steadily increasing revenue growth.

Businesses Will Spend Over $1 Trillion on Managed Telecom Services in the Next Five Years

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: While business spending on all telecommunications services is expected to grow in low single-digit percentages over the next five years, global spending on managed services is expected to grow at an annual compounded rate of almost 12 percent, according to the latest market study from Insight Research Corp.

Telecom Market Study: Changing Consumer and Business Purchase Patterns, 2014-2019

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Overall U.S. spending on telecom is expected to increase nearly two percent from $422B this year to $456B in 2019, though such modest growth masks the cavernous disparities between business versus consumer outlays across more than 19 different hardware, software, and service segments tracked in this new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation.

Market Research: US Wireless and Wireline Voice – Threats and Opportunities, 2013-2018

LONGPORT, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Facebook's $16 Billion acquisition of startup WhatsApp is the latest example of how the mature voice market is being challenged by alternative communications mediums, says Insight Research. While the $500 billion US telecommunications service market will continue to grow over the next few years, Insight Research forecasts that voice revenues will decline at a 4.8 percent annual rate as consumers continue to 'cut cords' and businesses migrate to VoIP platforms.

Market Analysis Report: Worldwide Telecommunications Industry Revenue to Reach $2.4 Trillion in 2019

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: According to a new market analysis report from The Insight Research Corporation, the global telecommunications industry continued to advance in 2013 and 2014, but at a slower rate than predicted a year ago. In the U.S., home disconnections and lower business spending contributed to wireline revenue declines at AT&T, Verizon, and CenturyLink, while competition drove slower growth in wireless service revenues.

Market Research: Cable TV Operators, Telecom Services, and the Push into the Enterprise, 2013-2018

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: According to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation, U.S. Cable MSOs are on track this year to reach $8.8 billion in annual revenues providing telecommunications services to small and medium-size businesses, despite competition from entrenched telco providers, who have owned this segment for the past thirty years.

Insight Research Corp new market study says U.S. Business Spending on Carrier Ethernet to top $5.5B in 2013

MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: U.S. enterprises are expected to spend more than $49 billion over the next five years on Ethernet services provided by carriers, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. 'Ethernet services in the small to mid-sized business market is the fastest growing segment of this market, while wireless backhaul still commands the top segment,' says Fran Caulfield, Director of Research at Insight.

According to Insight Research Corporation, Strategic Data Services for U.S. Businesses to Hit $30B by 2018

DURANGO, Colo. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: In a new market study, Insight Research Corp. projects that the aggregate market for a key group of data services will grow two to three times the rate for basic transport services over the next five years. With many voice and legacy data services declining, these advanced strategic services represent the highest growth areas for telecom services targeted to U.S. businesses.