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Tag: producer Joel Paul Reisig

New Horror Film, ’13 FANBOY’ Coming to a Theater Near You – New ‘FRIDAY THE 13TH’ spin-off

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- 13 Fanboy LLC announces: After 12 years without a "FRIDAY THE 13TH" film, fans are hungry for new blood. Enter Deborah Voorhees (yes, that is her real name), star of "FRIDAY THE 13TH part 5," and director of the October 22, 2021 horror film "13 FANBOY."

Horror stars from the 80s and ‘Friday the 13th’ come together in a brand new franchise: ’13 Fanboy’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- "Friday the 13th" has a passionate fan base that has been waiting for almost a decade for another installment. With the lawsuit between Victor Miller and Sean Cunningham still not resolved a new film isn't likely for several more years, but Voorhees Films has a solution for your much-needed fix, "13 Fanboy."