ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

Native Voices: 7.7.07 Lowers Earth Temp, 7/17 Energizes Oceans

Al Gore - Photo courtesy Marilu Lopez-FrettsCOLUMN: Hail to Pragmatists Embracing Scientific & Spiritual Global Cooling Solutions Thanks to our Earth Hugs on 7.7.07 and 7/17, "the Earth temperature slightly lowered, and the oceans were re-energized, which will continue if we continue," say many Saints / Holy Ones / Ascended Masters / Seers / Star Nations, depending on your faith, backed by our intuition.

Ideas on Ice: Political Name Game

Scott G of eNewsChannelsCOLUMN: When the estate tax was re-labeled the "death tax" and the laws to allow corporate pollution were called the "Clear Skies Initiative," Scott G began to think it was time for honest folks to fight back. With votes, sure, but also with better names.

Ideas on Ice: Home School Theme Park

Scott G of eNewsChannelsCOLUMN: Like Humpty Dumpty, the morality of Western World seems always about to drop off the wall and shatter into a million pieces. Scott G gathers some information about a fiction-based museum and asks an eyebrow-raising question about religious tax exemptions.

Working Together: Road to the Pool of Reflection

Life Coach Shirley RyanCOLUMN: There are magical moments in our lives, you know the times, when everything flows easily and effortlessly and the world is in perfect harmony. We are full of life, at peace, and know all is well. Everywhere we look there is beauty. We catch a glimpse a world in which anything is possible.

Burning Man: Fact & Fiction

Photo by Stewart HarveyCOLUMN: Scott G presents many myth-busting details about the annual Burning Man celebration held the week before Labor Day on the Playa of Black Rock Desert, 120 miles north of Reno, Nevada.

Ideas on Ice: Phoney Business

Scott G grins under a G-Man graffito on the wallCOLUMN: How would you like to serve as Honorary Chairman of something called the Business Advisory Counsel? If you have $500 and a strong stomach, Scott G can tell you who to call.

Holistic Pet Care: Allergies and Skin Problems in Dogs and Cats

Susan DavisCOLUMN: Oh No!!! Your pet is scratching and itching again! You thought that your pet's allergy problems were gone but all the scratching, itching, chewing and discomfort have come back. Many people mistakenly conclude that their pet is scratching due to fleas.

Ideas on Ice: Grief and the Bottom Line

Center for Conscious Dying and GrievingCOLUMN: Scott G talks with the OTHER Dr. Kevorkian and learns a few things about death, grieving and the loss of productivity due to death and grieving. Meet Kriss Kevorkian, former deputy coroner and current Co-Chair of the Los Angeles County Bar Association Bioethics Committee.

Uplifting Evolutionary Ideas: Why Aren't We Everything We Dreamed We Would Be?

Connie Baxter Marlow COLUMN: Perhaps we have built a house of cards on a false foundation. What could be the shift that would put our ship back on course? We must examine our assumptions. What if the following precepts became the foundation for how we are in relationship with each other. I have named it "The Expanded Family" and see it as the evolutionary step beyond the nuclear family concept.

Ideas on Ice: Does the First Letter of IRS Also Stand for Illegal?

Communication Nation ColumnCOLUMN: Bribery, kickbacks and stealing, oh my! Have you read all the instructions in the IRS code this year? Of course you haven't. Scott G hasn't, either, but he found some interesting items about reporting illegal income.