HONOLULU, Hawaii — Ask any baby boomer why they have not gotten help with hearing aids and they will usually say “price.” HearPod, Inc. is lessening these financial fears. By providing quality, 100% digital aids at a fraction of the cost. Current reports of new digital-hearing aids have been overwhelmingly positive and HearPod, Inc. offers 100% digital products for as much as 70 percent savings.

Baby boomers have not been disappointed when they visit: www.myhearpod.com for information about these products and services. “We are thrilled by what people are saying about HearPod Hearing Aids,” Randy Wohlers, President of HearPod, Inc., said. “We are getting orders for patients from doctors and audiologists. We also know that we have a special product when orders start to come in from neighbors of people who have purchased our HearPods.”

The vast majority of people with a hearing loss do not realize how much this loss affects them. However, family members may observe gradual personality changes and, typically, will suggest that they get help.

“So, what are the consequences of prolonging help,” Wohlers asks? “First, is the issue of understanding speech. In simple terms, if you do not use it, you loss it. The brain’s auditory cortex is not being stimulated with sound and the brain stops processing the sound into meaningful words which is referred to as ‘lack of discrimination.’ Many people say ‘I can hear you, but I cannot understand what you are saying,'” Wohlers explained.

Most people have lost a significant amount of word understanding before they get a hearing aid and this leads to many problems. Most people believe that a hearing aid will solve the problem, when in reality, the sound can be restored, but the speech discrimination lost is often irreversible.

“Early detection and correction allows people to stay in the game in a world where communication is everything,” Wohlers said.

Anyone who thinks they may have hearing loss should see their doctor, get a hearing test, and visit: http://www.myhearpod.com.

NEWS SOURCE: HearPod, Inc.
[tags]HearPod Inc, digital hearing aid, Randy Wohlers, baby boomer hearing, speech discrimination[/tags]