Tris Holdings

NEWS: (LOS ANGELES, Calif.) Developed by Tris Holdings, Tris Search and Chat Platform’s goal is to be used to foster real communication in real life instead of virtual, and bridge online chat to real life chat.

Tris is a social search engine which allows members to connect with other searching the same “keyword.”

“Near Me” searches for users around any given location, and allows for chatting “Anonymously” to others in that area in any location. No more being bored at the airport, being bored in waiting rooms or being afraid to approach strangers, Tris scans the area and after asking to describe the location puts members in a waiting area where they can see others in the vicinity. If the location name does not exist, anyone can create it and then others in the vicinity will enter the room created.

Tris’s goal is to have every business, every restaurant, every airport, every classroom, every Doctor’s office, and even every plane, to have its own chat room. Each location “Tris Room” can be used to chat anonymously or leave messages for future users that come to that area. Want to recommend a certain dish? Just create a room and leave a message. It’s the ultimate time capsule and the easiest way for anyone to share information on the internet that can be used in real time.

Imagine sitting in a restaurant and all customers spontaneously start singing Happy Birthday, most likely this was because early adopters checked into the Tris room for that location and conspired to prank everyone else, while making someone feel very special.

Concerts, and family gatherings, can become temporary rooms to share pictures, live streams, or just leave notices and messages for others. Tris rooms are created on the fly and will show everyone in an area in the same location and “Private Rooms” can be created to further segregate into correct groups and take the conversations from public to private.

Tris “Near Me” is being tested in different areas and is being rolled out community by community.

Tris has multiple patents pending related to its search and chat, as well as the alerting feature, the “near me” feature and many other elements of its platform.

More information can be found at:

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