LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Dee Rule, “Baby Nurse and Nanny to the Stars,” has been helping families for over 18 years. She is now making the media circuit and offering free advice to parents who need answers on sleep routines.

“My clients include Adam Sandler, Holly Hunter, Julia Roberts, and Oliver Hudson,” says Dee, “and I’m often asked why the majority of families I work for have babies who sleep through the night.”

Baby Nurse Dee Rule“My tips cover how other families can get their little ones on a sleep routine, and how this can be accomplished on a consistent basis.”

Here are a few:

There’s a solid solution for getting a little one to sleep through the night: Patience, persistence, love, and imagination. Also back it up with daily timing of activities: baths and get-togethers.

Getting your new born on a routine early is a huge key to success. Parents can feel less stress by doing what they love. The infant or child will pick-up or feel if you’re depressed or down; and will communicate frustration with excessive cries.

Swaddling is a great feat for many parents but it’s one key to many doors of restful sleep. A routine schedule and persistence will send a clear message to the toddler or child: it’s sleep time!

“I have currently finished writing a book entitled ‘The Baby Schedule Ruler,’ and will keep all informed of its release date,” added Dee. “I’m a RN Nurse with lots of love and care for my families.”

No celebrity endorsement claimed or implied.

For more information, contact Dee Rule at: Deanneworld@aol.(com).

[tags]Baby Nurse Dee Rule, Nanny to the Stars, The Baby Schedule Ruler book[/tags]