DENVER, Colo. — Denver-area public companies and their audit committee members are invited to participate in “Governance Update: SOX compliance…and what’s next with the SEC,” a free seminar offered by RSM McGladrey, one of the top accounting, tax and business consulting organizations in the country. The seminar will be held at the Wyndham Hotel Denver Tech Center on Dec. 6, 2006, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

“Financial education and information, literacy and governance have never been as important as they are today,” said Greg Buczynski, who leads RSM McGladrey’s Denver practice. “There is a lot of information floating around in the business and professional media about these issues. We thought it would be helpful to host some experts on these topics to provide our clients and other public companies a concise, but informative update in a setting that will enable them to get many of their questions answered.”

Topics and speakers include:

* SEC Update: What next?
Learn about the latest legislative initiatives and challenges impacting SOX 404 implementation. Presenter: Leroy Dennis is a member of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s (PCAOB) Standing Advisory Group and former member of the SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies. He also leads McGladrey & Pullen, LLP’s* national audit practice.

* The SOX Technology Challenge
Find out what concerns and challenges IT brings to SOX compliance, both from an in-house system perspective and from the view of third-party vendors. Presenter: Kelly Hughes is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, a Visa Qualified Data Security Professional and a Certified Information Systems Auditor of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association. He leads RSM McGladrey’s Technology Risk Management Services group in Denver.

* PCAOB Insights and Independence
Understand the implications of ethics and independence rules. Presenter: Bruce Webb is an SEC specialist and Chair of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant’s (AICPA) Professional Ethics Executive Committee and former member of the AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board. He is national director of Auditing and Independence for McGladrey & Pullen, LLP.

* Risk Management: Answers to the confusion
Improve your SOX compliance comfort level by hearing a general overview of a “best practices” methodology and lessons learned by other organizations. Presenter: Dennis Keglovits is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors and a SOX consultant. He leads RSM McGladrey’s Central Plains Risk Management practice.

The seminar will end with a question-and-answer session. Attendance will be limited to encourage peer interaction.

Registration Information

There is no charge to attend the event, and lunch will be provided.

To register or learn more about the seminar, contact Leila Tait at 720.747.8500, or register online at

About RSM McGladrey and McGladrey & Pullen

RSM McGladrey is a leading professional services firm providing accounting, tax and business consulting. McGladrey & Pullen LLP (a partner-owned CPA firm) delivers audit and attest services. RSM McGladrey and McGladrey & Pullen have an alternative practice. Though separate and independent legal entities, they can work together to serve clients’ business needs. When considered together, the companies rank as the fifth largest U.S. provider of accounting, tax and business consulting (source: Public Accounting Report), with nearly 8,000 professionals and associates in more than 120 offices nationwide. RSM McGladrey Inc. and McGladrey & Pullen LLP are member firms of RSM International, an affiliation of independent accounting and consulting firms.

RSM McGladrey, Inc. is a member firm of RSM International – an affiliation of separate and independent legal entities.

RSM McGladrey, Inc., 7555 East Hampden Ave., Suite 510, Denver, CO 80231-4886, 720.747.8500

[tags]RSM McGladrey, SOX compliance, Denver seminar, McGladrey Pullen, Colorado accounting firms[/tags]