MIAMI, Fla. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: On December 12, 2013, a Miami-Dade County, Fla. jury awarded $15 million in compensatory damages to the parents of a 23-year old son who was killed by a drunk driver.

The jury, equally composed of men and women, deliberated for three hours, according to the parents’ attorney, Edward R. Blumberg of Miami.

On March 5, 2011, Carlos Lacayo drove while intoxicated striking and killing 23-year old Emerson Kastenholz, a recent University of Miami graduate. A wrongful death lawsuit was brought on behalf of the parents, Kathleen and Michael Kastenholz of Palm Beach County, Fla.

Although represented by counsel at the trial, Carlos Lacayo had previously fled his impending arrest for DUI manslaughter and his current whereabouts are unknown.

An additional verdict for punitive damages in the amount of $350,000 was returned by the jury to deter those who would drive while intoxicated.

“The jury has sent a clear message that drunk driving will not be tolerated in Florida,” stated the Kastenholz’ attorney Edward R. Blumberg.

Media Contact: Jessica Wade Pfeffer, of Jessica Wade Inc. , +1-305-804-8424.

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