Homeless Not ToothlessLOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ — Former International Martial Arts champion Zak Lee Guarnaccia, of LightRow Pictures, with his strong will, is going to attempt a staggering endurance-fundraising challenge in Hollywood. On April 28, 2012 at 7 a.m., for the benefit of Homeless Not Toothless, Zak will endure the 24HX Extreme Step-A-Thon fitness challenge (thefbxshow.com/24hx.html) climbing for 24 hours up and down the popular Santa Monica stairs (Santa Monica, California).

The grueling step-marathon will raise fund to refurbish a dental clinic for over 28,000 area foster children as part of Brentwood dentist Dr. Jay Grossman’s Homeless Not Toothless charity – http://www.HomelessNotToothless.org – supported by Actress and Philanthropist Sharon Stone.

Zak recently played the lead role of Pancho Villa on Spike TV’s “Deadliest Warrior season 3” and his recent roles include ABC’s “General Hospital,” Comedy Central’s “Jon Benjamin Has a Van” and an American Express National Commercial with Conan O’Brien. Zak Lee Guarnaccia (http://www.zaklee.com) continues to be inspired by his best friend Tony Nowak’s words “You want it, you got to do it yourself!” Tony sadly passed away two years ago, April, and was the leather jacket designer for the Terminator, and Indiana Jones movies, as well as the Planet Hollywood chain and the official jacket for the ex-governor Arnold Swarzenegger.

Zak Lee Guarnaccia’s efforts will additionally support his efforts to help dog and animal rescue organizations, and to raise awareness of how individual motivation can influence lives and stopping bullying, by promoting a lifestyle of Happiness, Health and Fitness.

At the 24HX Extreme Step-A-Thon fitness challenge event Zak Lee Guarnaccia (www.ZakLee.com) is expected to burn over 10,000 calories at the Santa Monica Stairs in California. Anyone and everyone is invited to support Zak on location, or cheer his spirit and his cause online.

You can participate in Zak’s Step-A-Thon for the children and animals by tuning into “Live Streaming” 24 hours online at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-fbx-show which will feature host program ActorsE – Actors Entertainment, chats with special guest that will appear to show their support throughout the event as Zak continues his climb.

This is how you can help: each $100 minimum B.A.S. (Box Ads Spot) purchase on the FBX Show (The iReality Fitness Game Show) website at www.TheFBXShow.com will contribute to the event as a 501(c)3 tax deductible donation.

The BAS (Box Ads Spot) is a new platform advertising opportunity for your business, service, product, or simply as personal exposure. The minimum $100 donation guarantees for three (3) years, your 30 seconds commercial spot with your provided links, photos and information on the main page of the first iReality Fitness Game Show on “The FBX Show” www.TheFBXShow.com. Availability is first come, first served until sold-out.

Zak’s says “Personally I haven’t being sick for over 24 years; health is the essence of my existence and I am fortunate today to be fit and healthy enough to perform in the most extreme fitness challenge of my life, to give well deserving foster kids, and animals, a chance at a great smile and a better tomorrow. I urge you to join me on this necessary journey.”

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