MANDEVILLE, La. — From his campaign headquarters in Mandeville, Louisiana Anthony “Tony G” Gentile announced his candidacy for U.S. Senator. He’ll be running as an Independent. Gentile advertises himself as a conservative but is willing to listen to all that present sound high impact ideas that will benefit our country. In his official statement to supporters Gentile went on to say there is a quote from Thomas Jefferson that describes the current Senator and how I will be, “In matters of style swim with the current, in matters of principle stand like a rock.” “I will be your rock.”

When asked about his failed attempt for the Governor’s office in 2007 Gentile replied, “Losing is a part of life, it makes winning that much more rewarding. Look I met a lot of great people throughout Louisiana and gained some valuable experience, when you sum it up I lost an election but I gained so much more. I am a conservative however I do believe anybody can have a good idea, policy, or a law that can benefit our country. I see through party lines and look at the intent. My vote will be made with you the citizen in mind, not a party or organization. Our Government has to work for the betterment our country, our people and our businesses. Period.”

Gentile was asked what he thought of his opponent incumbent U.S. Senator David Vitter; he replied, “In the past I called his office several times and left messages, I never even got a form letter back acknowledging my call. That’s all I say about him his story is already well broadcasted.”

He went on to say, “Voting the party line has to stop, making laws that are in the interest of this country and its people should be paramount. The old saying you catch more bees with honey doesn’t apply when the bees (the majority) control the honey. We need somebody that’s tough and who doesn’t go along to get along. I fit that bill. The game our politicians play involves us and our lives. We have little to say and we’re stuck with the outcome. I say game over. Let’s clear the board. Prepare yourself for real change!”

To learn more about Anthony Gentile’s campaign check out his website at .