eNewsChannels: Hoarders

SAINT LOWELL, Ind. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: TV Star and lead expert of the hit cable television show “Hoarders,” Cory Chalmers, will be making a special guest appearance at his newest Steri-Clean franchise. This franchise owned by Gary Hofer and Tony Moser is hosting the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce for a ribbon cutting on Friday October 17 from Noon – 4 p.m. and is inviting the public to its grand opening / open house on Saturday Oct. 18 from Noon – 4 p.m.

Everyone is invited to come meet the man that helped bring Hoarding disorder to national attention through the top rated show “Hoarders.” Mr. Chalmers will be available for interviews and autographs at both events.

Both the Ribbon cutting and Public Grand Opening will be held at the new Steri-Clean Indiana headquarters located at 17646 Morse St. Lowell, IN.

Cory Chalmers is available for press or media interviews by calling 1-800-462-7337 extension 111. Steri-Clean Inc. offers franchises with two divisions; a hoarding remediation division called Steri-Clean (http://www.hoarders.com/), and a Bio-Hazard clean-up division called Crime-Scene Steri-Clean (http://www.crimecleaners.com/).

For more information on Steri-Clean, Inc. please visit http://www.SteriCleanInc.com/ .

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