According to Remodel or Move, Black Friday and Cyber Monday can save you thousands of dollars on the cost for your...
SUNNYVALE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- 'For many people, Black Friday is a crowded shopping experience that's so horrible it's not worth the savings,' says Dan Fritschen, founder of Remodel or Move. 'But if you're planning to remodel your home in the coming year, you may want to rethink your plans: the super sales that are offered on Black Friday and Cyber Monday can save you thousands of dollars on the cost for your remodel.'
Bed Bug Finders LLC Offers New Solution for Eradication of Bed Bugs by Means of a Unique Heat Treatment Process
STRATFORD, Conn. /eNewsChannels/ -- In its 4th year of business and hundreds of bed bug inspections performed, Bed Bug Finders LLC and Northeast Heat Treatment LLC of Stratford, Connecticut, announce a new service option for eradication of bed bugs by means of a unique heat treatment process. Combined with over 130 years of trade heating experience, the principals of Bed Bug Finders and its technical advisors have developed this new 'heareat' process that employs the latest industry equipment standards.
Fall 2012 U.S. Remodeling Sentiment Report says Kitchens Have Become the Number One Remodeling Project for Homeowners
SUNNYVALE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- For the first time since 2008, kitchens have become the number one remodeling project for homeowners, according to the 'Fall 2012 U.S. Remodeling Sentiment Report' from RemodelorMove. But before you join the rush to remodel your kitchen, you should carefully consider whether the project is a good idea for your finances and family.
Fall 2012 Remodeling Sentiment Report shows that Luxury is Back for U.S. Home Remodeling
SUNNYVALE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- The Fall 2012 Remodeling Sentiment Report documents a continuing increase in the scale of planned remodels for homeowners.Multi-year highs in the stock market, home prices that are inching up, record low interest rates and pent-up demand for home maintenance are fueling this increase.
E-Cap Pipe Protection from JAF Industries Helps Meet Department of Energy Mandate for Efficiency
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. /eNewsChannels/ -- The countdown has begun. The Department of Energy has imposed new regional efficiency standards for varying air conditioning and heating equipment effective May 1, 2013. And, JAF Industries' e-cap is ready to help.
Missouri Classic Architecture: The Hyde Park Historic Homes Tour Showcases Century-Old Homes in October
KANSAS CITY, Mo. /eNewsChannels/ -- Nine homes in the historic Hyde Park Neighborhood will open their doors to the public for the 30th Hyde Park Historic Homes Tour. The homes include mansions, shirtwaists, and an Arts and Crafts bungalow. The tour will be held Friday, October 5 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, October 6 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and is hosted by the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA).
Cirtcele Electric announces its new and free consumer report entitled, 'Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips for Your Home'
PHOENIX, Ariz. /eNewsChannels/ -- Mesa based, Cirtcele Electric - a full service residential and commercial electrical contractor - has produced a free consumer report entitled, 'Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips for Your Home.' The report is available via download at their website.
Seven Questions Homeowners Need to Ask Before Commencing a Remodel Project
SUNNYVALE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- 'Remodeling isn't for everyone, and many times it could be a downright bad decision,' says author and expert Dan Fritschen, founder of 'It's well worth your time to pause and consider what your proposed project entails, and whether the it's worth the time, energy, and money you'll end up pouring into it.'
AutoTap's Patented Water-Saving Faucet Control System Makes Turning On and Off the Faucet Easy and Convenient
SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- By studying consumers faucet use and washing habits, AutoTap, a San Diego based company, has concluded that all across the U.S., each day in the process of brushing teeth, washing hands, and washing dishes or rinsing them for a dish washer, millions of gallons of heated water is being wasted as run-offs.
Professional Community Management of California Volunteers Kick-Off First Home Repair Project in Lake Forest
LAKE FOREST, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Professional Community Management of California, Inc. (PCM) presented the Lake Forest Community Association's Community Spirit Team with a matching $300 gift to help residents who demonstrate a financial hardship to complete home repairs that put them in jeopardy with the association's rules.