DALLAS, Texas – Contingent Workforce Strategies Summit — HotGigs Inc., an innovator in web-based staffing solutions, today announced ContractCentral(TM), a service that helps companies strategically manage their contingent workforce, reduce staffing costs and increase time-to-fill efficiency. ContractCentral automates the sourcing process and streamlines contract management and time invoicing across a company’s preferred staffing vendor network.

ContractCentral, announced at the Contingent Workforce Strategies Summit ’06 (HotGigs, booth 8 ), allows companies to manage their contingent workforce through a single web-based dashboard. “Most employers lack a strategic, automated information system to help them manage and source their contingent workforce. ContractCentral provides a complete, easy-to-use solution to manage the entire staffing supply chain,” said Doug Berg, HotGigs Inc. founder and CEO. “ContractCentral is designed for companies that want to self-manage their contract workforce, and is the ideal alternative to outsourcing to vendor management system (VMS) providers and vendor-on-premises / managed service providers (VOP/MSP).”

Telecommunications giant ADC estimates that ContractCentral will save $1.5 million in staffing costs over the current fiscal year. “HotGigs provides a more robust and easily integrated system to assist in managing the contingent workforce than any VMS system we’ve ever used,” said Renee Robideau, ADC staffing manager. “It is highly intuitive, and gives our employees far more real-time visibility into the staffing process. Using it, we’ve eliminated our paper invoices for contingent workers, and we have a much more accurate picture of our staffing spends.”

ContractCentral provides a better way for companies to manage their contingent workers, whose numbers continue to rise as a percentage of corporate staffing. It allows companies to manage staffing firms through a single, web-based dashboard, provides tiered vendor contract management and automated timecard and invoice processing. It allows companies to build a comprehensive picture of staffing firm performance and rates. Companies can add vendors to their private staffing firm networks, selectively broadcast new requirements to preferred vendors within their network and establish auto-approval processes to streamline hiring.

ContractCentral’s contractor management tools allow managers to review timecards in real time, reducing invoice errors.

The system’s import features allow staffing firms to continue using their own timecard and invoice tools. Additional ContractCentral features include:

    * Fixed pricing based on the number of preferred vendors and active workers
    * Implementation assistance that configures ContractCentral to a company’s current processes and implement best practices, according to a company’s unique situation
    * Training and support to all stakeholders (vendors, managers and contractors)
    * Enhanced staffing firm user interfaces including:
    * Instant profile uploading
    * Access to open requisitions
    * Proactive promotion of contract resources
    * Timecard batch uploading
    * Robust contract workforce reporting suite including:
    * Spending by manager, job or skill type, staffing firm
    * Vendor performance reporting
    * Budgeted vs. actual amounts

ContractCentral is available as an integrated full-service component of HotGigs.com staffing exchange, or can be delivered as a private label, ASP application.

About HotGigs Inc.
HotGigs Inc. delivers web-based staffing solutions that help companies manage their staffing supply chain. The company’s HotGigs.com (www.hotgigs.com) staffing exchange, a national public network of more than 10,000 staffing firms and 38,000 consultants, makes it easier for companies to fill full-time and contract positions.

HotGigs ContractCentral solution (www.contract-central.com) provides companies with a centralized portal to automate sourcing of contract resources from a private network of preferred vendors. Its Jobs2Web (www.jobs2web.com) product drives candidates directly to company career sites from top search engines, and helps companies build their own private candidate communities.Headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, the company was founded in 2003.

[tags]HotGigs Inc, ContractCentral, Contingent Workforce Strategies Summit, ASP application[/tags]