COLUMN: Political campaigns exist on several levels, some high-minded, some in the gutter. What is interesting this year is the emergence of new code words. With innuendo and subterfuge, a shipload of low-road commentary is being slipped into mainstream discourse. What follows is a brief sampling of how below-the-belt smear tactics and race-baiting are being made to sound reasonable.

Here is what they say:
That candidate is “elitist.”
Here is what they mean:
That candidate is “uppity.”

G-Man Graffiti RemixHere is what they say:
That candidate will raise taxes.
Here is what they mean:
That candidate will make corporations pay their fair share.

Here is what they say:
That candidate doesn’t understand economics.
Here is what they mean:
That candidate will tax people earning more than a quarter million dollars.

Here is what they say:
Is that candidate ready to lead?
Here is what they mean:
OMFG that candidate is black!

Here is what they say:
Is that candidate ready for a 3 a.m. phone call?
Here is what they mean:
OMFG that candidate is black!

Here is what they say:
That candidate doesn’t have enough foreign policy experience.
Here is what they mean:
OMFG that candidate is black!

[tags]Obama, McCain, Democratic, Republican, politics, campaign rhetoric[/tags]