SEATTLE, Wash. — announced today that it has launched an online marketplace showcasing video pitches from early stage companies to a nationwide audience of angel investors. The focus on online video combined with other communication tools differentiates PlanHeaven from similar services.

“A large number of early stage companies have tremendous difficulty obtaining funding, not because they are bad opportunities, but simply because there isn’t enough infrastructure to efficiently match the right opportunities with the right angel investors,” said founder and CEO Larry Peterson.

Angel investing accounts in total for almost as much money invested annually as all venture capital funds combined, but angel investments fund ten times as many companies.

“It’s largely a numbers game. The more exposure to the investment community an entrepreneur can get the better. PlanHeaven allows entrepreneurs to cast a ‘wide net’ to catch the right angels locally and nationwide,” explained Mr. Peterson.

Already 21 early stage companies have listed on the website from a variety of industries.

All visitors see the list of companies but they must register as an accredited investor (no charge) before being able to see details and access additional features. Entrepreneurs can get listed for a fee of $49/month.

About PlanHeaven was founded in 2007 by a Seattle based entrepreneur and an angel investor. The website uses online video pitches and communication tools to foster communication, feedback, and investment connections between early stage companies and angel investors.

[tags]early stage companies, audience of angel investors, PlanHeaven, CEO Larry Peterson[/tags]