DAYTON, Ohio — “America Libre” (ISBN: 0-595-42606-9), a fictional book by Raul Ramos y Sanchez, highlights the growing social tension caused by illegal immigration and shows a possible outcome of the crisis – a civil war that leads to the redrawing of America’s borders.

The recent book by author, Raul Ramos y Sanchez, America Libre, has been met with wide acceptance and has attracted a great deal of attention with its controversial storyline – a possible insurrection within the United States sparked by the growing backlash against illegal immigration, resulting in a bitter civil war.

With the resurgence of hate groups using anti-immigrant sentiments to swell their ranks and the recent violent incident in Mac Arthur Park in Los Angeles, this book has been the focus of much attention as a possible forecast of events to come.

In the past two weeks, the author’s website,, has been flooded with over 20,000 new visitors, and his online forum that enables U.S. immigrants to tell their stories in their own words,, has also received a sudden influx of new attention and traffic from searches relating to the immigration controversy.

America Libre novel The rapid development of interest in America Libre has been felt in all forms of news media. The book was recently selected as Book of The Month by the San Diego citizens group, Liberty Mulch. The author, Raul Ramos y Sanchez, has been featured on the cover of Vida Latina, a bi-lingual monthly publication, and his book was also announced by the National Society of Hispanic Professionals.

Raul is currently scheduled to appear on WIMS AM in Chicago with Lisette Guillen, whom many have dubbed “the Mexican Oprah.” He is also being considered as a guest for nationally syndicated talk radio shows to discuss the possible impact of the immigration crisis.

America Libre is now available through, Barnes and Noble, and many other booksellers, as well as the Author’s own site. The current state of affairs and the highly volatile political discussion concerning the problems of illegal immigration continue to fuel public interest in the book and the ramifications of the outcome it suggests.

While the book is considered fiction, many of the events foretold in its opening chapters are mirrored in current news events such as the recent clash between the LAPD and Hispanic demonstrators in Mac Arthur Park in Los Angles.

About America Libre and Raul Ramos y Sanchez
“America Libre” (ISBN-10: 0-595-42606-9) is a fictional book written by author, Raul Ramos y Sanchez. It depicts the possible nightmare scenario of a United States torn with riots, revolution, and eventual civil war fueled by the backlash against illegal immigration.

The Cuban-born Ramos is a long time resident of the U.S. Midwest and is also the creator and host of, a social discussion website that collects the stories of those who have immigrated to the United States. He is now working on El Nuevo Alamo, the second book in the America Libre Trilogy.

For more information on the book or the author, or to order online, visit or call 937-901-3596.

[tags]America Libre, Raul Ramos y Sanchez, Impact of Illegal Immigration, book news, Liberty Mulch citizens group, immigration controversy, Rook Interactive[/tags]